Book 1 Chapter 9 Voldemort amd the house cup

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"Because of love Harry something he has never felt and it lives inside your very skin."

Me and Harry walked hand in hand to the last room. It was empty except a mirror which Harry seemed to recognise and Professor Quirill who was muttering to himself to quietly for me to hear. Harry squeezed my hand and then we revealed ourselves from behind the pillar we had been hiding behind. "It was you!" Harry shouted looking at Professor Quirrill up and down with disgust. After a while of talking and shock Professor Quirrill removed his turban revealing Voldemort on the back of his head. He was looking in the mirror saying he saw the stone and he was giving it to Voldemort. "Put Potter and the girl infront of the mirror!" Voldemort shouted whilst Quirrill pulled me and Harry to the mirror. "What do you see?" Voldemort shouted as me and Harry stared in the mirror, in the mirror I saw Harry pull the stone out of his pocket and hand it to me, when I looked down I was holding it so I quickly hid it. "I see Dumbledore giving Gryffindor the house cup and everyone praising my name." I said trying to lie as best as I could. "They lie, kill them!" Voldemort shouted. Quirrill grabbed me by the neck and started to strangle me but Harry grabbed his face burning it to ash. I took that as an opportunity to shoot fire balls at quirrill and he eventually turned to nothing. "We did it!" I said grabbing Harry into a hug. Then all of a sudden I passed out.

Harry's POV

"Blue!" I shouted kneeling down beside her kissing her forehead gently. I could feel the warm tears run down my face I knew she had only passed out but it was my fault if it weren't for me she wouldn't be here. "Oh my goodness!" Professor Mcgnagall said walking down the stairs with Dumbledore and Snape that is when I passed out.

Blue's POV

I awoke the next day and sat up straight away, Harry was in the bed next to me awake as well and eating chocolate frogs he hadn't realised I woke up. I got up and sat next to him on his bed. "Blue are you ok?" Harry said smiling and hugging me tightly. "I see your both awake." Dumbledore said with a glint in his eyes. We both started talking really fast but were hushed. "I know exactly what happened down there and it has been handled with the upmost secrecy so naturally the whole school knows!" Professor Dumbledore laughed. "Why couldn't he touch me?" Harry asked looking into Dumbledores eyes. "Because of love Harry something he has never felt and it lives in side your very skin." Dumbledore said whilst his eyes watered a bit. I looked over at Harry who was looking at me and we both smiled. I was in love with Harry Potter and that day it had saved our lives.

We both got up and dressed once Dumbledore had left and walked hand in hand to the great hall. "Thanks for making this the best year Harry." I said sheepishly smiling at him. He looked around to face me and smiled hugging me slightly. We walked into the silent great hall, all eyes were on us as we sat down. Slytherin had just one the house cup. "But recent events must be taken into consideration." Dumbledore said smiling as we all looked up. "Too Miss Hermione Granger for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, 50 points!" Dumbledore said smiling down at Mione who had burst into tears of happiness. "Second to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has ever seen!" Dumbledore chanted while Ron went purple with embarrassment. "Third to Mr Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage!" Dumbledore said as Harry smiled happily. "Lastly to Miss Bluebell Weasley for courage, loyalty, wit, ambition, never leaving a friend behind and her love that saved hers and many others lives this year I award 70 points!" Dumbledore said as everyone shouted with happiness, Gryffindor had just won the house cup. "Now for a change of decoration!" Dumbledore shouted turning the Slytherin banners red for Gryffindor. We had one the house cup and I was ecstatic about it!

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