Book 1 chapter 4 my first week

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"It seems Miss Weasley that you have a knack for potions."

I woke up really early the next morning ecstatic about my first day of lessons at Hogwarts. I ran to the bathroom that me and Mione share and had a quick shower. I dried my hair then curled it slightly   So It waved down my back and I put on a little bit of makeup. Next I pulled on my school robes and bushed my teeth then left the bathroom. Mione went in next and by the time she had done we were nearly late to breakfast. Rushing down the stairs a girl from the year above came up to us. "The boys from your year are still in bed by the way." She said walking of to her friends and going out the portrait. Mione waited downstairs whilst I ran to their dormitory. I knocked on the door but got no answer so I let myself in to see they were all fast asleep in bed. "Get up, we are going to be late!" I shouted whilst all the boys sat upright. "How the hell did you get up here, girls aren't allowed." Seames said still with his eyes closed.
"Fine, be late to your first day for all I care I didn't come up here for you anyway I came for Ron and Harry!" I shouted annoyed at his rudeness. I went and waited with Mione and five minutes later Ron and Harry were downstairs so we made our way to breakfast.

First lesson we had was transfiguration, I sat next to Mione since Harry and Ron didn't turn up until ten minutes after it started. "That was bloody brilliant!" Ron shouted entering the classroom with Harry while Professor Mcgnagall changed from a cat into a human again. "Thank you Mr Weasley, I see you are not very much like your sister who has already transfigured 5 Beatles into buttons in 10 minutes!" She stated with a small smile my way.  I blushed while Harry smiled at me and Ron scowled taking their seats infront of us. The lesson went on for a while longer and by the end I had a button for every minute of the lesson whereas most people didn't even have one. "Miss Weasley." Professor Mcgnagall said as I was packing up. I walked to the front letting my friends leave without me. " Have you done magic like that before?" She asked smiling at me.
"No Professor that was the first time I had done magic with my wand." I said back.
"Well it was amazing a lot of my 7th years couldn't transfigure anything that quickly, I think we can expect amazing things from you!" She smiled but all I could think about was that that was the third time in less then a month that had been said to me. I left the classroom with a spring in my step and made my way to potions with Professor Snape.

Harry's POV

I entered potions thinking about what an amazing witch Blue is and how she looked so beautiful today when I was shaken out of my day dream by Mione. "Potter, where would you look If I asked you to get me a bezoar?" Snape shouted from the other side of the room. All I could think it must be because it was obvious I wasn't listening. "I don't know sir." I said timidly trying not to make eye contact. " Tut tut clearly fame isn't everything, try again what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape taunted again knowing very well I did not have a clue and I had grown up believing I was a muggle. "I don't know sir." I said again getting rather embarrassed. "Honestly Potter it is not that hard or are you just an idiot?" Snape shouted making Malfoy and his friends snort. "One last time Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape chanted but I was saved by Blue opening the door and stepping into the classroom looking even more beautiful if it is possible that she did ten minutes ago.

Blue's POV

I thought I had really done it that time, the glare Professor Snape was giving me was strong enough to kill but I new I was stronger then that and I would not cower in his presence like most people do after all he is only a potions master. "Sorry I'm late sir, Professor Mcgnagall wanted to speak to me." I spoke trying to sound as confident and intelligent as I could because I really did not want to get on the wrong side of him. "How dare you be late to my lesson answer the question I just asked Potter!" He snarled thinking that I would have no clue because when he asked the question I wasn't even in the room but I new the answer straight away since he had been shouting at Harry at the time. "A sleeping potion sir, so powerful it is known as the draught of living death!" I said with a smirk as I saw Snape's glare weaken and a look of slight shock cross his face. "Sit down Miss Weasley." Snape said turning to the rest of the class and explaining today's lesson. I turned around to see Harry looking at me with a proud smile, he was sat next to Mione who looked annoyed no doubt she new the answer to the question too. I was sat next to Ron. "That was bloody amazing how did you know that?" Ron whispered grinning at me. "I read it in a book two years ago that was on Percy's bedside table." I whispered back returning the smile then turning back to the front of the class where Snape was shouting at Seamus for using a slang word in an answer. That day we made a potion to cure boils and mine was the only perfect one. "It seems Miss Weasley that you have a knack for potions." Snape said as everyone packed up their equipment. "I do really enjoy it sir and have always read books on it." I replied whilst ramming my parchment into my bag. I saw a small smile play on Snape's lips as I left the classroom and I knew I was already a favourite of his.

Classes only got better from there everyday I was learning and getting better and to tell you the truth the teachers were quite shocked about my intelligence and power. Then on Thursday we had our first flying class, first years weren't allowed to bring their own brooms but I didn't mind since the one I had was kind of rubbish and very tatty. We stood in two lines whilst Madam hooches yellow eyes pierced everyone then softened when she looked toward me and Harry, people say Madam Hooch knows from the first moment she sees you if you will be any good at flying and quidditch so I was extremely pleased when a small smile was sent my way from her normally straight lips. "Now today I shall just teach you the basics, hold up your hands and say UP!" Madam hooch shouted so everyone at the back could hear her. "UP!" I shouted and straight away my broom flew up to my hands. "Excellent Miss Weasley 10 points to Gryffindor!" She shouted. I looked around to see a grinning Harry and Malfoy with their broomsticks, Ron get hit in the face by his and Mione looking very annoyed at her broom as it crawled along the grass. " Now that everyone is holding their brooms I want you to mount it, Kick of the ground, stay up for a few seconds and then come back down!" Madam Hooch shouted. Ten minutes later we were all left alone whilst Madam Hooch escorted a whimpering Neville to the hospital wing. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse!" Malfoy laughed while picking up Neville's remembrall. "Give it here Malfoy!" Me and Harry shouted as Malfoy mounted his broom and flew up. "Come and get it then!" Malfoy shouted whilst smirking down at me and Harry. We jumped on our brooms and flew upwards much to Mione's protests. "I am going to knock you of your broom!" I shouted giving Malfoy my signature glare. For a minute he flew back then dropped the remembrall. Me and Harry sprinted to the ground Harry grabbed the remembrall and thew it to me and pulled upwards, one I caught it I did the same then jumped of my broom. "Wow!" Everyone said as me and Harry grinned. "Weasley, Potter I need to speak to you know follow me!" Professor Mcgnagall said as the smiles melted of our faces and we followed her towards the castle.

We stopped outside the Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom while Professor Mcgnagall asked for wood. All I could think was it can't be over I am not ready to leave Hogwarts yet what will Mum say if I get expelled? I was brought back to reality when I heard. "Wood I have found you a new chaser and seeker!" Professor Mcgnagall squealed whilst looking at me and Harry. I was grinning from ear to ear mirroring Harry's expression. I was the new Gryffindor chaser, the youngest of the century!

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