Book 1 chapter 1 I am going to Hogwarts!

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I stopped and saw a boy around my age getting his robes fitted. He had the most amazing green eyes that looked like they held so much kindness and courage, he looked so familiar but where from? He saw me staring and for a second our eyes met and I felt electric.

Bluebell Weasley was not a normal girl, she didn't go to muggle school and have an Instagram, she didn't even have a mobile phone! She was a witch and an amazing one at that she just didn't know it yet. There was a lot she didn't know yet like how her Hogwarts letter was waiting downstairs or how her older brothers Fred and George where in the middle of planning a prank to play on Percy, but most of all she didn't know she would fall in love with the boy who lived. He had always been her idol and the boy all girls her aged giggled about and stuck his picture on there walls but she had no idea that on the 1st of September she would come face to face with the boy one day she hoped to call hers, Harry Potter.

" Blue, they're here, our Hogwarts letters we got in!" Ron my twin brother shouted from downstairs.

I got up from my bed where I had been laying day dreaming and sprinted down the stairs. Once I made it to the kitchen I was ambushed by my crying Mother sobbing that another two of her children got in to the best school for young witches and Wizards and my little sister Ginny thrusting my letter into my hand.

" Go on, open it then!" Ginny laughed whilst staring at Ron who was shoving chocolate frogs in his mouth and dancing around with his letter.

I opened the yellowish envelope which was addressed to Miss B Weasley, The Kitchen Table, The Burrow, Ottery st.Catchpole. I pulled out the Letter and read.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Miss Weasley,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. We await your owl by no later than 31st July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress

"Ron, we are going to Hogwarts!" I screamed whilst the twins chorused, "well never."

I skipped around the table screaming until Percy ran down the stairs "I am trying to study for my OWL'S, does nobody care in this house or do you just want me to fail in life completely?" Percy shouted huffing at everyone's apparent rudeness.

"Well Percy I am going to go with fail in life to your question, what do you think George?" Fred laughed whilst George pretended to wrack his mind to work out the answer.

Me and Ron giggled at Percy's annoyed face whilst clearing up all the Chocolate Frog rubbish and headed out side with the twins and Ginny closely behind us. Once in our little makeshift Quidditch Pitch we started to play a bit of a game. We played all day whilst Mum rushed about the house trying to find her old Hogwarts robes for me, I let all my worries about Hogwarts drain from my body and focused on all the adventures I was to have, all the friends I will make, and maybe even find love! After all that is how Mum and Dad met and they now have eight amazing children me being the best of cause. By the time I was getting ready to go to bed I had decided that I was going to be the best, most popular and beautiful witch at that school and I would find love like the love I read about in the muggle books but little did I know that I would fall in love a lot sooner than expected.

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