Book 2 Chapter 6 The Attack

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"Oh my god!"

It was the day of the duelling club beginning and I woke up excited to see Lockhart attempt to teach us. I quickly got ready and braided my hair. I ran out grabbing my books and made my way to the great hall. It was pretty early but I couldn't sleep anymore so I was running to the great hall not paying attention. I knocked into someone and fell on the floor again. "Sorry." I muttered and then I realised it was Ash pulling me to my feet but he had a potion in his hand a potion I knew as wolfsbane. "Morning Blue." He said trying to hide the bottle. "Morning Ash I will see you later then!" I chirped pretending I hadn't seen the potion. We both walked out separate ways, that must of been why he was awake so early that morning in September. Because he is a werewolf!

"Blue your in the paper again!" Del squealed handing me the daily prophet. "Blimey Blue you are practically famous even Fudge isn't in it that much!" Ron laughed getting the attention of the people around us. "Shove off Ron!" I shouted opening the paper to see a picture of me on the ground knelt next to Harry. I was brushing the hair out of his eyes and holding his arm. If I didn't know the backstory behind the picture I would think there was defiantly something going on because of the way we were looking at each other.

A quidditch match at Hogwarts had just taken place Harry Potter on the left had just caught the snitch letting Gryffindor win. We now know the identity of Mr Potter's secret girlfriend, she is a second year Gryffindor named Bluebell Weasley daughter of Arthur Weasley who is a ministry worker. Has Mr Potter found love and family with the Weasley's or is he still grieving the terrible loss of his parents Lily and James Potter? The picture was taken by a first year Gryffindor named Colin Creevey. "They are never apart really and sometimes walk around the school holding hands." Colin tells us. "They have always been best friends since that started at Hogwarts but it has always been obvious they like each other very much and I wouldn't be surprised if they were in love." Draco Malfoy a second year Slytherin states. If anyone has anymore information on Harry Potter's secret relationship then we urge you to come forward and contact Rita Skeeta.

I finished reading the article and looked up at Harry who was smirking. We both burst into laughter whilst everyone in the hall looked at us in shock. "We all thought you would both be upset!" Del shouted over our laughter. "Why would we it is funny and the picture looks so real!" Harry laughed. Eventually we both stopped laughing and just because we could we walked hand in hand to every lesson that day.

"Hello everyone as you all know I am Professor Lockhart of Defence Against the Dark Arts and we are here to teach you how to dual!" Lockhart shouted with pride on his voice. He ripped of his clock and threw it into the audience as a whole crowed of girls fought over it. "My assistant today is no other then your Potions master Professor Snape!" Lockhart cheered again as Snape snarled at us all. "We will demonstrate first on how to cast expeliamus!" They both backed away and Snape had Lockhart flying backwards within a second. "Right I need two volunteers Mr Potter and Miss Weasley maybe?" Lockhart called whilst looking at us. "I don't think that is a good idea, have you not read the paper? They will be too in love to do it?" Snape taunted making all the Slytherins howl with laughter. "Malfoy you will go against Potter." Snape ordered. Harry was winning and everything was going well until Draco somehow conjured a snake. "Don't worry about it Potter I will get rid of it for you!" Snape shouted but before he could Harry was speaking to it in another language. It was parsletongue. The snake edged closer and closer to me and I couldn't back away because of all the people behind me. It was like Harry was egging it on and telling it to hurt me. Snape quickly made it disappear as tears started streaming down my face and I ran out. "Blue wait!" Harry shouted jumping of the stage but Ron stopped him and I carried on running.

Harry's POV

Malfoy conjured a snake and suddenly I could talk to it but everyone was looking at me like a madman. It was getting closer and closer to Blue and she couldn't move so I told it to stop but it wouldn't listen. She was crying and I could see the fear on her face. Everyone else looked at me disgusted and then Snape got rid of it. Blue looked at me with hatred then ran out of the hall. "Blue wait!" I shouted but she didn't listen and Ron stopped me from following her. "How dare you be so horrible to my sister you tried to kill her!" Ron shouted about to throw a punch. "Wait!" Del shouted. "He was telling the snake to stop, I am a parslemouth too I promise you Ron it just looked that way!" Del shouted. "I have to find Blue!" I said running out of the Hall with Mione, Del and Ron behind me.

Bluebell's POV

I ran outside into the school grounds and down by the whomping willow. I can't believe Harry wants me dead maybe he is the air of Slytherin and the last two years has all been act. Suddenly I heard the break of a twig behind me so I turned around. A werewolf jumped at me cutting my skin and then everything went black.

Harry's POV

"Oh my god!" Del shouted and you could hear her voice shaking, I ran to her Mione and Ron were already there gathered around something I couldn't see. They were all crying and then I saw what it was, it was Blue covered in blood and on the floor. "No no this can't be happening I love her and I never told her." I sobbed as Mione pulled me into a hug. "We have to take her to the hospital wing she can't die I can't live without her." I shouted whilst scooping her into my arms and running to the hospital wing. I noticed how much blood she was losing and the deep cuts all over her body and cried harder. "Madam Pomphrey!" I screamed as she walked out of her office in shock. "Blue has been attacked by something you have to help her!" I cried. She looked at me with concern and defeat and started to cry herself. "I will do everything I can Harry but she is very badly injured she might not make it." Madam Pomphrey cried. "Just help her!" I sobbed kissing her forehead and placing her down gently on a bed. Madam Pomphrey immediately got to work, Mione and Ron left to get the teachers and the Weasleys. Within an hour all the Weasley's including Jamie and the teachers had arrived. I was sat next to her crying the most and holding her hand. The next morning Madam Pomphrey had done everything she could. "Now we have to wait but she only has a ten percent chance of living." She cried whilst I began to sob again. "Oh Harry dear!" Mrs Weasley cried hugging me tightly. "I can't live without her." I cried again. Even Snape was trying to hide his tears in the back of the little crowd. Madam Pomphrey had given her blood and sorted out all the cuts. She has also made all the cuts disappear except one really bad one on her waist. She just looked like she was sleeping, even on her deathbed she was the most beautiful girl in the world. All of a sudden the doors burst open revealing Rita Skeeta and her Camera man. He quickly snapped a picture. "Leave this school now!" Dumbledore shouted making her cower . I had never seen Dumbledore this angry but tears were still spilling from his eyes. She quickly left leaving us in peace again.

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