Book 5 Chapter 12 Potions

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"You applied first for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" Umbridge's squeaky voice drawled on.

It had been hardly a week since the argument between Grandma and Umbridge. At first it was the talk of the school, it was the first drama the school had seen in many years that wasn't about death or someone almost dying. It just felt like we were all normal. But then it turned sour, I would of taken the Basilisk any day over this. She had become high inquisitor, for the past couple of days she had eyes everywhere and it was unbearable.

We were sat in potions class, me and Harry holding hands under the table since we still weren't going to tell anyone. I didn't see what the big deal was, sure if Voldemort finds out he might try and hurt Harry by hurting me but I can take care of myself. There was something he wasn't telling me, he would wake up with a start in the middle of the night and tell Ron it was nothing. He hardly slept or ate or talked for that matter, it was like he was there but his mind was somewhere else.

"Yes." Snape huffed back walking across the room.

Ron snickered, covering his mouth with his hands and keeping his head down so not to draw attention.

"Shut up, Ronald. You are going to get us all detention." Hermione whispered angrily to my brother.

He just rolled his eyes and took a few deep breaths, I had to hold my breath to not laugh and I looked away from him just to be safe. Neither of the professors were in a good mood today.

Umbridge tutted and scribbled down on her clipboard. "But you were unsuccessful?"

Snape stopped in his tracks, right behind Ron who was turning blue from holding his breath for so long. "Obviously."

Umbridge smiled sweetly and nodded. "Thank you very much for your time, Severus."

He just stared at her blankly before she left the room. As soon as her pink coat was out of sight, he hit Ron on the head with the text book he was holding.

The class carried on with their potion making and conversations as Snape went into his private potion closet.

"Do you think he's gone to have a breakdown?" Del smirked looking at the closed door.

I rolled my eyes and turned to her. "Honestly Del, what did he ever do to you?"

Del laughed and carried on crushing some beans. "For a start he gives me detentions left, right and centre. He also didn't give me a pretty necklace for my birthday."

Harry smiled and shook his head. "We all know how protective he is of, Blue. He thinks she's my mother reincarnated and he worships her like a God."

"It is pretty weird to be honest." Ron grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

"It is not, I see him as a role model of sorts. He gave me the necklace as a sort or heirloom because Harry wouldn't want to walk around in a girls necklace and I was the next best thing to Lily."

Everyone grinned and laughed. "Harry should of gotten the necklace, might match his eyes." Ron smirked.

Hermione was the only one not talking and she snapped her head up with a scowl on her face. "Can we all be quite! OWL's are just around the corner and I don't know the difference between my Amortentia and Felix Felicis!"

Everyone's eyes widened and we all went silent knowing never to mess with a pissed of Hermione.

Harry turned to me and bent down to whisper quietly. "Dumbledore's been acting odd."

I looked at him oddly. "What do you mean?"

"He keeps ignoring me. Even at the hearing he wouldn't look me in the eye and hasn't spoken a word to me since last year."

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