Book 4 Chapter 1

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The summer had dragged on, well I guess I'm being a bit dramatic. It had been a week at most since we broke up from Hogwarts. I missed Harry, Del and Mione. Being just with Ron was already doing my head in.

But I looked on the bright side, today I would be going to stay at 12 Grimauld Place for a bit. And I couldn't be happier.

"Morning!" I chirped as I sat down at the kitchen table that morning.

Mum was the only one up and was already making breakfast.

"Your up early, what's on your mind?" My mum asked as she finished cooking the sausages and took a seat opposite me.

"Nothing, I'm just super excited to be going to Grimauld place. I've missed my friends." I said as she tutted at me.

"It's been like a week, what's the rush?" Mum giggled as I pilled my plate.

"I want to see the house and help clean it up." I chirped pumping my legs back and forth underneath the table.

"Morning!" Dad chirped as he walked in and took a seat.

"I have great news!" Dad chuckled as my heart skipped a beat.

"We are going to the quidditch World Cup, and sitting in the ministers box!" My dad cheered as a rush of excitement shot through me.

"That's not all, Blue I know how you love to sing. So I pulled some strings at work and you will be singing in the stadium before the match starts!" Dad Cheered again as I began to scream.

A lot of clattering came down the stairs and not a second later was the whole Weasley clang at our side.

"What?" Jamie gasped from Charlie's arms. Jamie was now extremely pregnant.

"I am singing at the quidditch World Cup!" I squealed as they clapped and rolled their eyes.

"I thought we were being attacked by death eaters." Charlie said darkly as they all took their seats.

"I'm going to be famous." I squealed as they all laughed at me.

"You already are famous you nutter." Ron chuckled taking me by surprise.

"You have thought Voldemort of twice, saved Sirius's life, thought of dementors, Harry Potter's girlfriend and you are special." Jamie counted of her fingers making me smile.

"Well I shall be more famous." I giggled.

"Blue what do you want to be when your older?" Jamie asked as I put on a mischievous grin.


"A singer like the Weird Sisters?" Jamie asked.


"How about a Hogwarts Professor?" Ron tried


"A professional quidditch player?" Ginny asked.


"A healer at St Mungo's?" Fred and George said in unison before I shook my head.

"I want to be an auror." I smiled as Mum took in an in take of breath.

"That is an awfully dangerous job for my little girl to be taking on." Mum muttered biting her lip nervously.

"Good job that when I do it, I won't be little anymore." I smiled as everyone chuckled at how naive I was.

"I'm going to Grimauld Place today, are you coming Ginny?" I asked as she blushed.

"No, Luna is staying for the summer." Ginny said sheepishly as I playfully gasped causing confused stares in my direction.

"She can come to." I replied as Ginny nodded eagerly obviously wanting to get Luna away from embarrassing baby photos.

"We better go and pack then." I said getting up from the table.

Ron was wearing a scowl on his face and the tips of his ears were red in fury.

"What's got your wand in a knot, Ronald?" I asked playfully poking him in the arm.

"Well you are going to spend the the summer with our gang and I haven't even been invited." Ron shouted angrily as I tried to suppress my giggles.

"Let's get one thing straight. It is not our gang it is my gang that you are lucky to be a part of. Didn't you get Harry's letter inviting you anyway?" I said as he turned even more red.


"Shit! That's because I never gave it to you." I laughed as mum gasped.

"Language young lady, now go and help your brother pack." She shouted as I hid my laugh and followed my Moody brother upstairs.


"Ooo... Luna's here." I teased before Ginny ran from our room and down the stairs.

By the time I made it at the bottom of the stairs I could see Ginny pushing the twins out the way and opening the door eagerly.

"Ginny!" Luna squealed dreamily as they quickly hugged.

"Hi Luna, I've missed you!" Ginny squealed back.

I quickly gave Luna a hug before we began to walk into the living room.

"Luna this is my family."  Ginny said proudly as she looked at us all sat down.

"Everyone this is Luna Lovegood. The girl who I have fallen in love with." Ginny said proudly clasping Luna's hand.

Luna looked shocked but happy as my family one by one came up and gave her a hug.

"Now you better treat our Ginny well." Mum chuckled playfully as she gave Luna a Weasley hug.

Everyone got up except Percy who stayed glued to the sofa.

"Is everything alright Percy?" Fred asked as we all looked at Percy's scowl.

"No it is not." Percy muttered angrily, glaring at Luna and Ginny.

"Whatever do you mean?" Dad asked looking at his annoyed son.

"This is wrong." Percy shouted.

"What is?" Ginny cried holding on to Luna tighter.

"This is, you falling in love with a girl. It is wrong." Percy shouted again as Ginny began to sob.

"How dare you! Ginny and Luna are perfectly normal, you are just jealous because they are thirteen and have found love when you a grown man haven't. Why don't you just go suck Mr Crouch's dick. You.. you bastard!" I shouted but this time mum didn't shout about my language.

I then proceeded to punch him in the jaw and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"I suggest you leave now weatherbee, you are a disgrace to the family and if I ever see your ugly face again I won't be so kind!" I shouted before Percy apparaited away.

"Now, who's up for a cup of tea?" I said cheerfully as if that hadn't just happened.

"Welcome to the family Luna!" I cheered happily.

We spent the rest of the day before our departure to Grimauld place trying to calm Ginny down.

When she finally was and her and Luna had left first Mum pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I am so proud of you!" Mum cried.

I then stepped into the fire place and before I knew it everything was a blur of green flames.

Thanks for reading!
I accidentally deleted this chapter so I have had to rewrite it so if it doesn't one hundred percent match up then that's why.
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