Book 5 Chapter 10 Raindrops

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I spent a week in the Hospital Wing, by the time Madam Pomphrey allowed me to leave my physical health was completely back to normal. I could walk properly again, and I was a healthy wait. My mental health was a lot better also, I stopped breaking down and contemplating how bad it actually would be if I took my own life. I was happier, a lot happier. I still missed Cedric, but it didn't pain me everyday because of it.

"Skiving Snackbox, dear sister?" The voices of Fred and George sounded behind me.

I was walking to my first class since after my trip to the Hospital Wing. "What the hell is that?"

The twins came and stood beside me, interlocking their arms with mine and leaning down to my height. "Sweets that make you ill." Fred grinned.

"Get out of class whenever you like." George grinned.

Del walked towards us rolling her eyes and smiling at George. "Don't listen to George, Blue. They will just put you back in the Hospital Wing."

George fake gasped and put a hand on his heart. "I'm guessing you, dear Del, love of my life and beautiful goddess, fancy going to Umbridge's class everyday for the rest of the year."

Del smirked and flicked George on the forehead. "Now now, I never said that."

George picked Del up and tossed her over his shoulder as she laughed and kicked her legs.

"We will be off now." George winked before turning the corner.

"Could they be any more like obvious?" Fred chuckled as we walked to my next class.

We walked in silence for a moment before Fred broke it. "How are you?"

"Good thanks!" I chirped. "A lot better then I was."

"That's good to hear." He smiled. "No more depressed Bluebell Weasley, the girl who loved turned to the girl who cried?"

I chuckled at his question and carried on walking, turning my head to answer. "I'm not suicidal if that's what you mean, I am actually happy again and it is the oddest feeling ever."

Fred draped his arm lazily around my shoulder. "I'll tell you what though, after Umbridge almost killed you, it's crazy how she hasn't got the sack yet."

"That's the ministry for you, dear brother." I grimaced. "To them Harry is the boy who cried wolf and I am the poor defenceless girl who kisses the ground he walks on."

Fred raised an eyebrow and quirked his lip as if he was about to say something that in his head sounded very amusing. "So, when are you and the chosen one getting back together?"

I couldn't help but snort and flick Fred on the nose for his stupidity. "Whatever do you mean, you've finally lost it!"

"Calm down licle Blue." He winked. "It was only a harmless question, a harmless question that made you blush bright red and get very uncomfortable."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Who's to say me and Harry will ever get back together?"

"Literally everyone!" Fred laughed. "You two were completely smitten ever since you were eleven, love at first sight!"

"Love at first sight, then it died and I found love with someone else." I concluded.

"He visited you everyday in the hospital wing, brought you your homework and filled you in on all the gossip. The two of you talked for hours. You should of seen him when you were passed out, he was a wreck."

I smiled at an outsiders point of view, over the last few weeks me and Harry had gotten closer and I realised I was still in love with him. But it was different now and it wasn't as easy as everyone made it out to be.

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