Book 1 chapter 8 Through the Trapdoor

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"Don't you get it Potter, you can't get rid of me that easily."

After Christmas things seemed to chill out a bit. We told Mione about the Pholosiphors stone but we didn't see any need to worry. I was still top of the class in every subject and we won every quidditch match we played, we almost lost one though because Snape was cursing Harry's broom but it was fine because Mione stopped him and I pushed Harry back up onto his broom then he caught the Snitch. But then earlier today we went to see Hagrid.

"Hi Hagrid!" I chirped smiling at the man who never fails to make me happy. "Hi everyone." Hagrid said not very cheerfully. "Are you still upset about Norbert, we are really sorry?" Harry said petting Hagrid's shoulder. Norbert was Hagrid's pet dragon but he had to give it up to my older brother Charlie because there was no way Hagrid could look after a dragon. "It's not your fault. I should have thought more before I got him." Hagrid said still rather glum. "Hagrid, where did you get him from?" Ron questioned. " a bloke I met down the hogsheads, he gave it to me for free after I told him about some of the other animals I work with." Hagrid replied. "What did you say to him about the creatures?" Mione asked looking at Hagrid like she was thinking something. " well I told him to have a creature you need to know how to calm it, take Fluffy for example all you have to do is play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep." Hagrid said not really thinking and then it dawned on him what he had just said and his face turned to shock. We ran away whilst Hagrid was calling us back. We ran all the way to Professor Mcgnagall. " we need to speak to Professor Dumbledore it's urgent!" Harry said pleading with Professor Mcgnagall. "I am sorry Potter but he is away because of a request from the ministry." Professor Mcgnagall replied bluntly looking at Harry skeptically. "But it is about the Philosophers stone, someone is going to try to steal it!" I butted in looking Professor Mcgnagall in the eye and looking as confident as I could. "I don't know how you four know about the philosophers stone but I a sure you it is in safe hands!" She replied looking extremely shocked at our knowledge.
"Now go outside it is a nice day and forget this conversation!" She whispered ushering us out of her classroom.

We reluctantly walked out the classroom and made our way down the corridor in silence nobody wanted to say anything in case she was listening. "We have to do something!" I said finally looking more at Harry then the others. "Someone is trying to steal the stone and what if it is for Voldemort?" I said watching Ron wince at the name. "Your right and I think it might be Snape trying to steal it." Harry whispered. "I'm going down the trap door tonight!" Harry said sounding confident but I couldn't let him go by himself. "No Harry we are going down the trapdoor with you!" I said watching Harry frown. "No it is too dangerous, I couldn't live  with myself if anything happened to you!" Harry ordered determined to go alone. "Don't let anything happen to me then!" I giggled taking Harry's hand and pulling him in the direction of the common room.

At midnight that night me and Mione crept down the stairs to the common room. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mione questioned hesitantly. "I can't let him go alone, what if something happened to him and he needed help?" I said back. "You are so in love with him!"Mione teased whilst I scowled at her. when we got to the bottom of the stairs the boys were waiting. "Ready?" Harry said to us once we had climbed out the portrait hole. "Yes!" I said whilst rolling my eyes at how nervous Harry looked. when we got to the third floor we opened the door to be greeted by a sleeping Fluffy and the music of a beautiful harp. "Someone is already down there!" I whispered looking between my three friends. We quickly scurried to the trap door and were about to climb in when. "Does it not seen awfully quite?" Mione whispered. For the second time that year I could feel the cold dog breath on me. "Jump!" Harry shouted pulling us all in.

I fell on some plant between Ron and Harry, Mione was on the other side of Ron. The plant wrapped itself around us pulling us down. "ahhh!" Ron shouted as me and Mione sunk into another room. "Blue!" Harry cried. "Just relax we are fine!" I shouted and not ten seconds later had Harry fallen through beside me. "Are you ok?" I asked Harry as he stood up. " I am fine, you?" Harry said interlocking our hands. "Never better!" I replied to a
blushing Harry. Mione managed to get Ron out so we carried on down the corridor to our next obsticle.

This obsticle consisted of a lot of keys a locked door and a broom. "It is too easy!" Harry said trying to work out the answer. "It is charmed so when you get on the broom all the keys will chase you." I said confidently. "How did you know that?" Mione asked. "Can you not see the charm?" I said looking at Mione funny. "No Blue we can't!" Ron said whilst Harry jumped on the broom. Like I said, all the keys started flying at Harry but he quickly grabbed the right one and handed it to me. I unlocked the door letting Harry fly in and the rest of us shut the door behind us.

As soon as we were in the room the lights switched on revealing a gigantic chess board. If it weren't for Ron I do not know what we would do. By the end of the game we had won and Ron had been knocked out. Mione was kneeling next to him stroking his hair to keep it out of his eyes. I think Mione has fallen for Ron too. "You girls stay here with Ron, I will go on." Harry ordered. "No I am coming too, to finish the job I started you are not going alone!" I shouted as tears started to stream down my face, I couldn't let Harry leave by himself and have the risk of getting hurt. "Stay with Ron I don't want you to get hurt too!" Harry said looking into my crying eyes. "Don't you get it Potter? You can't get rid of me that easily!" I giggled grabbing his hand and pulling him away. I knew I had won that argument. Before leaving the room I turned around to wink at Mione and she blushed like a tomato.

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