Book 4 Chapter 21 grief

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Have you ever felt like you have nothing to live for? Because in that moment, supported by Fred's arms, dark thoughts danced across my head. I forced myself not to look at Cedric's body anymore. I wanted to remember him as the lively happy boy that I fell in love with, not a corpse on the ground.

"Fred, I can't do this anymore." I cried as my brother rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"I know, but you have too. Cedric would be so angry if he knew what you were thinking." Fred warned as I continue to sob.

I was to lost in my sorrow to notice when Professor Moody pulled Harry away, and when Dumbledore followed.

"Sweetheart, why don't we go to the hospital wing. I can give you a dreamless sleep potion." Madam Pomphrey said as she came over to me.

"Will the pain go away?" I asked.

"Yes, if your asleep." Madam Pomphrey reassured as I gave a weak nod.

Me and my whole family and friends walked to the hospital wing, some of then supporting me but I couldn't tell you which ones.

Everything around me was a blur and all I could hear were Harry's screams of Cedric's death and the anger I felt to whoever had caused it.

It was like I blinked and suddenly I was in the hospital wing. My mum was tucking me into the hospital bed I usually staid in and everyone else was gathered around.

"How are you feeling?" Fred asked as I stared lifeless at the blankets.

"Like someone had stabbed me all over my body a million times and my heart has turned black. How are you Fred?" I muttered.

"Well I feel a lot better then you, that's for sure." Fred chuckled nervously.

"Blue, Cedric wouldn't want you to spend your life like this, crying." Ron said as he took the other spot next to me.

"I know, he said that if he never came out of the maze then I should... I should forget about him and live the life we had planned together with someone who loves me as much as he did." I sobbed as people began to cry also.

"How is it that such a perfect day, the happiest I have ever felt. Turns so sour in a matter of hours. And suddenly I find myself so broken that I'm looking at that window and contemplating whether to just jump out of it." I cried as people gasped.

"Don't you dare to that. Never. You can't leave me... leave us like that." My mum warned with tears in her eyes.

"At lest I would be with him." I said darkly.

"I had it all planned." I muttered.

"What planned?" Mione asked.

"Cedric proposed to me today, we were going to get married in the spring and live in a cottage near the burrow. He was going to be a ministry worker and we were to have a girl and a boy." I cried.

"You mean to say that my little girl was going to get married?" Dad asked.

"Yes, she was. But she isn't anymore and she never will. Cedric might of wanted me to move on but I can't."

"It will be ok..." Mum said before I cut her off.

"Will everyone stop saying that. It won't be ok, the person who made me feel alive and free. The person who made me feel something and someone is dead. I'm so angry, he never did anything." I shouted making people flinch back.

With my powers I set my bed side table on fire but quickly put it out when I saw people's scared faces.

"Will the pain ever end? Or will I suffer forever?" I asked.

"The pain will never go away, but it will weaken overtime. Cedric will always be with you Blue, but he would want you to live a happy life." Del said.

The next thing I know Dad no 2 and Harry are walking into the hospital wing.

"Blue!" Harry shouted as he limped over.

"I am so sorry, there was nothing I could do." Harry cried as I just looked at him blankly.

"Shut up Harry. I know you couldn't do anything otherwise he would still be here." I cried as he patted my shoulder awkwardly.

"I truly am sorry. Cedric was amazing and he loved you so much." Harry muttered.

"Before he died, he told me to tell you that he loves you and will be with you forever." Harry said making me sob again.

"Really?" I sobbed.

"Yes." Harry said softly.

The rest of the night I was fast asleep. Until the doors banged open waking me up quickly.

"He is not back Dumbledore, I must speak to Harry myself. The boy is obviously disturbed." Fudge shouted.

"Leave him to sleep!" Dumbledore shouted back as they stood in the middle of the room.

"You Know Who is not back. Has Harry not been blanking out since the start of the year? Is this not just a delusion to hide the fact that something dark went on in that maze between him and Mr Diggory?" Fudge shouted as people gasped.

"I see you have been reading Rita Skeeta then minister." Harry said as Fudge looked at him.

"Minister you don't believe that Mr Potter killed Mr Diggory?" Grandma gasped.

"I do, this You know who nonsense needs to stop before the whole wizarding world is panicking."

"The boy I love, Cedric Diggory, has been dead for only a few hours. This boy was good, kind and brave and you are already disrespecting his memory. How dare you. Your a man with nothing special to you but a title, so how does that make you qualified to make such dark accusations that Harry would possibly do such a thing. He ride us of Voldemort, a dark wizard, so why would Harry become one. You're just scared minister because you can't handle Voldemort's return. I suggest you get your act together and I never want to hear Cedric's name in your dirty mouth again!" I shouted standing up on my bed.

"How dare you!" The mister shouted back.

I screamed, using my powers to break all the windows in the hospital wing and point the glass at the minister.

"Leave while you still can!"

The minister ran out of the hospital wing in a hurry and I restored the windows.

I ignored everyone's stares and just went back to sleep. Because when I slept the pain went away.

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