Book 3 Chapter 10 Patronus

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After the wedding we went back to Hogwarts almost immediately and I couldn't be happier. I loved my parents but Dad's constant going on about muggles and wanting to see Mione's parents again was getting on my nerves that's not even to mention the fact that Mum keeps over feeding me and saying that I will lose my powers if I don't eat my carrots. What a load of bollocks! Anyway I was happy to be going to my home Hogwarts and back to quidditch and classes.

"Harry where are you going?" I asked as Harry got up off the sofa and started climbing out the portrait hole. "Oh yeah I never told you." Harry muttered more to himself then anyone else. "Care to tell me then?" I said with a hint of sarcasm lacing my voice. "I am going to Professor Lupin's office so he can teach me how to produce a patronus so next quidditch game I don't fall off my new broom." Harry said calmly, over Christmas Harry had received a fire bolt which is the best and most expensive broom ever! The only thing is it didn't come with a card or a note so Mione thought it was suspicious. As soon as we jumped of the Hogwarts Express and our feet landed on Hogsmead Station Mione ran off and told Professor Mcgnagall. So now it has been confiscated so they can make sure it is safe and not jinxed. It is safe to say that Harry was not happy, neither was Ron but I agree with Mione that it could be dangerous. Mione hasn't spoken to Harry or Ron since. Harry began to walk out. "Wait Harry! Do you mind if I come?" I asked hesitantly in case it was the wrong thing to say. "Sure but hurry up I was supposed to be their two minutes ago." Harry urged. I hopped up from my place on the sofa and walked hand in hand out of the common room with Harry down to Lupin's office.

"Hello Harry!" Lupin cheered as Harry entered the classroom first. "And hello Blue! Do you wish to learn the patronus charm also?" Lupin greeted as I walked in behind. "Yes please Professor!" I chirped over excitedly as I pulled my wand out of my hair. I had started wrapping my hair around my wand and making it into a bun. "Right, so to produce a patronus you say expecto patronum whilst thinking of your happiest memory." Lupin ordered. "I am not using a real dementor for obvious reasons so it will just be a bogart so don't be worried." Lupin spoke softly looking at me and Harry with a fatherly expression. Lupin lifted the lid of the box the bogart was in and it immediately turned into a dementor. "Blue you go first." Lupin said. My mind went to the memory of when all my friends and family were sat at a table in the Leakey Cauldron, Harry was saying he loved me and we kissed. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I shouted as a white light shot out of my wand and formed a doe. It pushed the bogart into the box and trotted by my side. I read in a book that you could tell Patronuses to send a message to people so I thought why not? "To Professor Dumbledore, I have just produced my first patronus, love Blue!" I squealed then the patronus trotted of to Dumbledore's office. "Wow Blue that was amazing!" Lupin practically sang. "Full grown wizards can't do that and it was your first time, you even got it to send a message!" Lupin said astonished. "Thank you sir!" I squealed then I noticed a patronus which was a Phoenix swoop in. "To Blue, well done dear you really are an amazing witch, love Professor Dumbledore." The Phoenix recited and then trotted off.

"Right Harry it is your turn!" Lupin said still excited about what I had just done. "Good luck Harry!" I chirped standing back. "EPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry shouted but nothing happened except from a weak white light that did nothing. Harry sat down defeated so I went to sit next to him. "Harry that was really good!" I said kissing him on the cheek. Lupin sat down and handed us both a butterbeer. "Harry what memory did you think of if you don't mind me asking?" Lupin asked giving us both the fatherly look again. "I thought of the first time I rode a broom." Harry said quietly as we sipped out butter beers. "That is rubbish Harry you must have a happier memory." I said rolling my eyes. "Go on then what was your memory?" Harry asked with a mischievous grin. "My memory was when we were all sat in the Leakey Cauldron at the start of the year, all our friends and family were there and you know the rest." I said to Harry getting embarrassed by the memory with Lupin sat there. "Harry knows the rest but I don't, care to share?" Lupin laughed as my face turned red. "Go on then Blue!" Harry urged laughing at my embarrassed expression. "I had loved Harry since I first saw him and never thought he really felt the same about me but that was the moment he told me he had always loved me too and it was in front of everyone and we all had butter bears which is my favourite and it was perfect!" I said confidently whilst Harry beamed at me. "Awwww!" Lupin said in a mocking way trying to hold in our laughter. After a thew more goes Harry could put the dementor back in the box but couldn't turn the patronus into anything yet.

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