Book 4 Chapter 13 The Yule Ball

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It was the big day! I know I sound completely dramatic given the fact that I was honestly treating the Yule Ball like my wedding day. But who actually cares? I was determined to be the belle of the ball and no one was going to stop me or ruin it. If they did then they had to die. I'm only joking! Or am I?

"Hurry up Blue, you have been in there for ages!" Del shouted from outside the bathroom door. I had just been whispering a pep talk to myself in the mirror whilst I reapplied my red lips.

I opened the door and we all gasped as we took in each other's appearance. We all looked amazing!

"Are we ready!" I cheered as they all clapped their hands. I was with Mione,  Del and Gin in our dormitory.

"Let's go!" Del said dramatically as we filtered out of the room and down the stairs. Del was meeting George, Mione was meeting Viktor, Gin was meeting Luna and Nev and I was meeting Cedric. We were meeting our dates at the bottom of the grand staircases.

Once we got there we all took it in turns to walk down the stairs. Letting everyone take in our appearance.

Del went first of cause. Strutting down the stairs in her tight, black dress that showed of her figure. George couldn't take his eyes of her and I had never seen him that focused in his life.

Ginny went next skipping innocently in her knee length, pink dress. She wore a smile on her face that mirrored the one of Luna's.

Mione went next making many gasp and I watched my poor twin stare long fully at her. I don't blame him though, Mione really did look beautiful.

Finally it was my turn. I walked slowly down the stairs taking in my surroundings carefully. I wanted to remember everything. My red dress trailed behind me and my hair was in a Belle half up half down hairdo that let my new red strands frame my face. I looked fist at Cedric, he was in his crisp dress robes with a red bow tie perfect to match my dress. He really was perfect and I really did love him. That is why I was so confused when my eyes wandered to Harry. He was staring at me the same way Ron stared at Mione yet he had Cho Chang on his arm. He too was wearing dress robes but with a purple bow tie to match Cho's dress, this twanged on my heartstrings. I thought that maybe, just maybe I could fall out of love with the boy that lived but then and there I knew it was impossible. At least we were friends I guess, but friends don't look at each other the way we do. It reminded me of the first time we met, at madam malkins, we had grown so much and had overcome many horrors but inside I was still that shy, little girl who found herself in love with her best friend.

"You look beautiful lamb, just like a princess." Cedric spoke pulling me out of my trance and back to reality. I looked at Harry one last time to see his face full of sadness as he watched me and Cedric clasp hands.

"And you look completely handsome Sheep, just like a prince." I giggled as I straightened out his crooked bow tie.

"Come on lamb, we have a dance to perform." Cedric groaned as I face palmed.

"Shit I forgot about that, oh well let's blow this one out of the park. What do you say sheep?" I laughed as we positioned our selves by the doors of the great hall.

"I say we be the best dancers!" Cedric cheered making me laugh happily.

The great hall doors opened and the champions and their dates filtered in. Everyone was gasping at Mione's transformation and that she was with Viktor Krum. Some people even gasped when they saw me, one of them being Cho Chang.

We went into the centre of the dance floor and positioned ourselves to start the dance.

"Don't trip." I whispered to Cedric making him laugh.

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