Book 2 chapter 1 The Kiss

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"The most beautiful."

Harry's POV

It was nearly the end of the summer holiday and I had received no letters. Dudley started to make fun of me for sitting at the mailbox saying things like. " Does the girl you love not love you?" I wished so much I had never said anything on the car drive home. It really hurt that Mione and Ron sent me no letters but it broke my heart that Blue hadn't. I guess she doesn't like me as much as I thought.

Blue's POV

My summer holiday consisted of Ginny bugging me asking if I met Harry Potter but when Mum started asking that is where I drew the line, little did they know he was the boy who kissed my cheek. Harry had not sent me any letters all summer even though I sent him one everyday. I had received loads from Mione though which was a comfort that I didn't just imagine my whole Hogwarts experience. The most exciting thing is we are taking a girl my age in who's parents recently died, Dumbledore asked my parents personally if we would because he thought me and her would get on really well so Mum and Dad said yes. She is called Asphodel Amulet and she will be in my year at Hogwarts hopefully she is in Gryffindor! She is coming tomorrow to stay for the last week of the summer holidays, Mione, Lee and Angelina are coming too. I am very excited but still extremely hurt, I was starting to think Harry loved me too but obviously not.

Harry's POV

Well I have worked out the mystery of the letters, a little house elf named Dobby has been taking them so my friends probably think I am either dead or a horrible person. I heard a car engine outside my window so I went to check and what do I see Ron, Fred and George in a flying car. "Hiya Harry, why the bars?" Ron chirped. "It's my punishment, it's great to see you!" I smiled back whilst Fred connected a hook to the bars and drove away. "Get your stuff quick, we have come to rescue you!" George said. So I grabbed my trunk and Hedwig then once the bars had been pulled of my window I chucked them in the boot. "Petunia, he is escaping!" Uncle Vernon shouted grabbing my foot as I got in the car. Ron held on to me tightly and drove away leaving Uncle Vernon falling to the bush below. "Thanks guys!" I laughed watching Privet Drive fade in the distance. "Happy Birthday Harry!" Ron said smiling at me. "Where's Blue is she mad at me!" I panicked while her brothers laughed. "She doesn't even know we came to get you, if she came she would be too busy hugging you and we would never have gotten away!" They laughed. "She was pretty upset that you didn't write all summer though." Fred said letting the atmosphere get cold so I explained what happened with Dobby and they believed me.

Once I had finished my story we arrived at The Burrow and got out of the car. As soon as they opened the door I could tell this was the house I used to imagine living in if my parents hadn't died. It was so homey but then my day dream was cut of. "Where have you been, beds not slept in no note?" Mrs Weasley shouted at Fred, George and Ron.
"And who are you dear?" She said to me in a soft voice making me feel like she was the mother I never had. "I'm Harry." I said quietly incase she shouted at me. "Oh so your the Harry Blue won't stop talking about." She said with a smirk my way. "What's your last name dear?" She asked politely still in a soft voice. "Potter." I said looking at my shoes. "She never said you were Harry Potter!" Mrs Weasley said shocked. "Anyway it is lovely to have you here dear you can stay for the rest of the week if you like?" She said smiling at me. "Yes please!" I said mirroring her smile. "Where is Blue?" I asked really wanting to see her. "She is still in bed it is only 5:30." She laughed. We all went outside to de gnome the garden and then went back in at 8:00.

Blue's POV

I woke up at 7:00 the next morning running to the shower. After my shower I changed into a tight red skirt and a black cropped top with my dock martins. I waved my hair and put on some black winged eyeliner and lipgloss and walked out the bathroom. It was now 7:45 and my friends were arriving at 9:00 so I decided to go downstairs and practice my piano and singing on the old piano Dad got for me at the start of the holidays. Everyone says I'm really good but like everything I do I am determined to be the best. I sat down at the piano and began to play and sing The Sound Of Music which is from a muggle musical and is my favourite.

Harry's POV

We walked inside to here the most beautiful music, a girl was singing and playing a song I had heard Aunt Petunia watch before. "Who is singing?" I asked Ron. "It's Blue, isn't she amazing?" Ron smiled as we walked and stood watching her from the doorway. "The most beautiful." I whispered more to myself but Ron heard and smirked. She was sat at an old looking piano lightly pressing keys down and looking at her sheet music. She hadn't heard us come in and I noticed how she looked even more beautiful then she had six weeks ago. When she finished the song we all clapped and she turned to us shocked.

Blue's POV

I finished my song and heard clapping so I turned around quickly and to my amazement there stud Harry. "Harry!" I said getting up and staring at him, I didn't know whether to be annoyed at the boy who lived or happy to see him so I just stud and stared. "Hi Blue I have missed you so much let me explain." Harry pleaded. I listened and it all made sense. Once he had finished I ran over and hugged him kissing him on the ckeek we stayed like that until Dad cleared his throat. "Dad your home!" I said smiling at him. "Who are you?" Dad said looking at Harry and then at me. "I'm Harry Potter sir." Harry said politely but looking kind of guilty. "Are you really?" Dad said in amazement as we followed him into the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for us. We ate in silence I was a bit embarrassed but over the moon that Harry was hear and still wanted to be my friend.

We were just finishing breakfast when Ginny ran down the stairs. "Hey Gin this is Harry." I said smiling up at him since he was a bit taller. Ginny went red in the face and ran up the stairs. "She has been very excited to meet you." I laughed at Harry's shocked face. After breakfast we went outside Ron,Fred and George left me and Harry to go do something so me and Harry sat on the swing. "Happy Birthday by the way!" I said smiling at him and handing him his present. "Wow it's a broomstick repair kit!" Harry shouted looking down at the gift. "Thanks Blue!" Harry said and then kissed me. A camera flashed and we pulled away stood in front of us was a smirking Mione. "When did you get here!" I said smiling Harry had just kissed me and I was very happy. "Two minutes ago here is your picture by the way." She said smirking handing us the picture. It was a really good picture and we both looked really happy. I smiled at a blushing Harry. "Don't tell anyone about this please." I pleaded Mione who was giggling slightly. "Kk." Mione said skipping away to Ron after that we both burst out laughing and walked to everyone else.

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