Book 2 Chapter 11 Going Home

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"Hello Gin."

"Why did she faint, did she hit her head?" I heard Mum's voice question worriedly. "No she has no injuries whatsoever." Madam Pomphrey stated but I could hear in her voice that she was confused. It was then I remembered everything and I had to try my best not to scream in pain, it was like someone was using the cruciatus curse on me and I could feel the tears brimming in my eyelids but I would not let them fall I was stronger then that. "Maybe she was just very shocked." I heard Jamie say and it was then that I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. My head was banging and my eyes felt quite heavy. "Hello." I croaked doing my best not to burst into tears. Mum, Jamie, Del and Ginny were there and Mione was still petrified they obviously were just finishing the cure. "Where are the boys?" I asked looking at Del. "They are having dinner in the great hall." Del said looking at me with concern. "Why did you pass out dear?" Mum said sitting on my bed and stroking my back. I looked at Ginny for the first time and felt tears brim in my eyes again but this time I let them fall. "Hello Gin." I said bluntly watching for any reaction she might have. "Hello." She more or less whispered. She then left the hospital wing to go tell the boys I was ok. "You never answered my question." Mum said looking at me funny. There was a mirror on the table next to my bed and I looked in it and looked awful. "You look like someone has died Blue!" Jamie said coming and sitting on my other side. "Haven't they?" I said feeling like I might as well be dead since I knew I would not feel happiness for a very long time. "Molly would you give me and Blue a minute I think you should stay though Del." Jamie said winking at my Mum. Mum nodded and scurried out the hospital wing. "What happened then?" Jamie said searching my eyes for the answer. "Once me and Ron cleared the rubble I went to make sure they were all ok and when I went to check I saw something, something that sucked all the life out of me and hurt me really badly." I cried not wanting to admit what happened because that would mean it defiantly happened and it was not all just in my head. I saw Del bring her hand to her mouth in shock as she put two and two together. "You saw?" Del questioned as I sobbed and nodded my head. "Saw what?" Jamie said getting annoyed at whatever did this to me. "Harry and Ginny kissed." I said in between sobs as Del hugged me. "What why would they do that!" Jamie shouted. We stayed huddled together for a while in silence, I didn't know what to do or what to say. "Are you going to speak to them?" Jamie said finally breaking the silence. "I am going to wait until Harry says something I don't really blame Ginny she was very confused and scared." I said pulling myself together. "I was going to tell Harry that I loved him when I found them that is what pushed me over the edge and I couldn't breathe and then I fainted." I said softly. We all fell to sleep a little while later and the pain went away, I dreamed of a perfect world without fighting and where Harry loved me.

I woke up the next morning to Del and Jamie shaking me awake. "Morning." I grunted opening my eyes. "It is the feast today and you are coming!" Del more or less shouted pushing me towards the hospital wing showers. I had a quick shower then pulled on my school robes. Del then did my hair making it perfect and wavy whilst Jamie did my makeup making me look beautiful but still like me. I had never looked better but I still didn't want to face the feast. I hadn't even faced the sun yet let alone the boy who just broke my heart. "I can't go!" I finally said and they understood and left. I sat on my bed for awhile just listening to my breathing and trying to calm down, in the end at last minute I decided to go to the feast because I need to grow up and stop mopping around. I swiftly walked to the great hall and pushed open the doors.

Everyone was eating and laughing and then everything went silent and they all turned to me. "Over here Blue!" Del shouted waving her hand in the air. I walked over and sat next to her as everyone started to talk again. Opposite me was Ron and next to him was Harry. Mione was on Ron's other side and Ginny was on mine. "How are you?" Ron questioned looking at me skeptically. "I am quite alright!" I chirped putting on a brave face. I caught Harry's eye and suddenly felt extremely angry and had to try and keep the fire from escaping my fingers. I broke the eye contact and turned to Ginny. "How are you Gin?" I asked as if nothing ever happened, she looked so relieved and I really did not want to lose Ginny over this. "I am good thanks!" She practically sang. We all ate in silence after that.

I was packing my trunk alone in my dorm room when I heard a knock. "Come in!" I shouted but didn't turn around. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around. It was Harry stood in the doorframe. "How did you get up here boys aren't allowed." I said bluntly while turning back around and carrying on packing. "Why did you faint?" Harry questioned. "Because I wasn't breathing enough." I said back. "Why?" Harry asked again as I spun around. "Because I was shocked at something I saw and suddenly felt like there was no happiness left in the world." I shouted slamming my trunk shut. I then realised I was crying but I didn't really care anymore. I then left the room pushing past Harry and stomped down the stairs straight into Ash's outstretched arms. I had told him everything as well as Del and Jamie but I wasn't going to tell anyone else.

We were all silent on the train journey home, normally we are talking and laughing but now we all felt segregated between two sides and Mione and Ron didn't even know why. Last summer I came home from Hogwarts having found love but this year I was coming home with a broken heart and Hogwarts suddenly felt less like a home to me and more like a sad memory waiting to be forgotten.

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