Book 3 Chapter 6 Lessons, Quiditch and time turners

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"Miss Weasley and Miss Granger can I speak to you?" Professor Mcgnagall asked as she approached our table at lunch. Ron and Del still seemed annoyed with me from earlier. "Sure Professor!" I smiled as we got up and followed her to her classroom. "So you two are the brightest witches Hogwarts have seen in a very long time and Professor Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic have agreed that you should attend extra classes that you wouldn't normally have time to attend." Professor Mcgnagall smiled obviously very excited by the prospect of me and Mione taking extra lessons. "That sounds great but how?" Mione chirped grinning from ear to ear like the little book worm she is. "Well you would each be given a time turner but you are under strict rules that you can only use the time turners for educational purposes and if used for leisure then they will be taken from you and you will be expelled." Professor Mcgnagall warned but still smiled happily at the two of us. "That sounds great Professor and I can assure you we will only use them for our education." I chirped as she handed us a time turner each. "There is one more thing, you can not tell anyone about this not even Mr Potter, Miss Amulet and Mr Weasley. Do I make myself clear." Professor Mcgnagall said ushering is out of her classroom. "Yes Professor thank you." Mione said as we left.

"Welcome to divination the art of seeing into the future, I am Professor Trewlawney." She said in a demented voice with a crazy gleam in her eyes. "When did you two get here?" Ron whispered looking at me and Mione in confusion. We had just used the time turners to get here from ancient runes. "We have been here the whole time Ronald maybe you should learn to use your eyes." I said turning to my cup and trying to make out a prediction. "What does mine say?" Harry asked handing me his cup. A black dog was carved out of the tea leaves and it had a creepy aroma about it. "Oh my goodness!" Professor Trewlawny said snatching the cup from me and dropping it for added effect. "You have the grim!" She screeched dramatically. I rolled my eyes knowing that it was all a load of bollocks. Harry looked a bit scared though which made me giggle slightly but I kept it to myself.

We had Hagrid who was now teaching care of magical creatures next and I couldn't be more excited. "Hi Hagrid!" I chirped giving him a hug and then following him into the forest. "You seem on much better form today Blue." He smiled as everyone began to gather round. "Open your books to page." But Hagrid was cut of by Malfoy's annoying voice. "And how exactly do we do that?" Malfoy questioned smirking at his fellow Slytherins. "Well you stroke it of course, could you get anymore dimwitted?" I said matter of factly scowling at Malfoy for disturbing Hagrid's lesson. "Dementor dementor!" Malfoy screeched causing all the Gryffindors to swiftly turn around. There was nothing there he was just trying to trick us. "Scared Potter but I wouldn't worry you have your little ugly blood traitor girlfriend with you after all that is how you described her in DADA." Malfoy said coming closer to Harry. "Boys stop it I have something to show you." Hagrid beamed looking at the grand hippogrith stud beside him. "Isn't he wonderful everyone say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid chorused ignoring the snide remarks from Malfoy and his goons. "Now who wants to say hello?" Hagrid said as everyone stepped back except me and Harry who obviously didn't get the memo either. "Blue and Harry come on get a bit closer and bow." Hagrid ordered standing back a bit. I stepped forward and bowed and buckbeak did the same to me, I then stroked him and heard everyone clap. "Well done I think he will let you ride him now!" Hagrid grinned pushing me and Harry onto Buckbeaks back. Buckbeak took of and we flew over the forest and towards the black lake. "This is amazing!" I shouted making Harry laugh. Buckbeak skimmed over the lake splashing our knees with the icy water. After a while he landed back down in the forest next to Hagrid. Everyone clapped again but then Malfoy burst thew muttering about how it was easy. He went to touch Buckbeak but he scratched him first sending Malfoy down to the ground. I did my best to hold in my giggles as Hagrid carried him off to the hospital wing. We all walked back to the castle in a fit of laughter. "That was the best lesson ever Malfoy almost got himself killed!" I laughed smiling like a crazy person. "Did you see his face though when he fell to the ground?" Del laughed as we entered the great hall. It had been a very good afternoon!

The first thew months of school went by like a blur. I was top of the class in everything and my wandless magic was just as good as the magic I could do with a wand. I had had a thew lessons with Dumbledore himself to try and master my elements magic more and I could now stop someone from being able to breath from just looking at them by controlling the oxygen around them. Me and Mione were starting to get extremely tired though since we were having two days worth of lessons in one and then I had to have quidditch practise every night my lessons with Dumbledore and all the homework. I was starting to go mad! It is now the end of November and people are saying that Sirius Black was sighted in Dove Town which isn't far from here. I have the first quidditch game of the season tomorrow, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff what could go wrong?

"Get up get up you lazy Gryffindor you have quidditch!" Ginny giggled as I jumped out of bed. "Go go Gryffindor!" I chanted as I walked to the bathroom to tie my hair up and change. Once I got out I was attacked my Del, Mione and Gin as they picked me up and queen carried me to the common room. "Everyone shut up and welcome your queen, Gryffindor's best chaser no offence to Katie or Angelina. Bluebell Weasley!" Del shouted as everyone began to clap. My face turned red and I could see Harry looking at me in a fit of laughter. The twins were doing the same too so I showed them my favourite finger then skipped of to breakfast.

The game had started and the weather was terrible, I could hardly see anything but still managed to score a load of goals. I could see Harry was really struggling as he flew higher and higher into the sky to retrieve the snitch and end this awful game. All of a sudden I could see dementors circling him and they started to perform the dementors kiss. Harry fell backwards and off of his broom to the ground. I thought quickly and controlled the air to hold him in place. Dumbledore told me not to show anyone my powers but at that moment my main priority was to save Harry's life. He was passed out but I slowly lowered him to the ground placing him gently on the floor. I then sat next to him and tried to get him to wake up but it was no use, madam Pomphrey came and used a magic stretcher to carry him to the hospital wing and me and our friends and family followed. Mum, Dad, Charlie, Jamie and Bill came to watch but we lost so it was a complete waste of a journey. Cedric Diggory had snatched the snitch.

It had been an hour but Harry was still passed out. Then his eyes began to flutter open and a smile spread across his face. "Hello love why do you look so down?" Harry laughed sending my brothers into a fit of laughter. "I don't know maybe because you nearly died!" I shouted making my brothers laugh more. "Calm down, sorry that we lost the match though." Harry sighed as I kissed him until Bill pulled me away. "None of that thank you!" Bill warned making me giggle. "There is sort of a problem though Harry your broom sort of blew into the whomping willow." Ron almost cried as he put the remains of Harry's Nimbus 2000 on the bed. Harry looked like he was going to pass out again when he saw it. "Sorry Harry." Mione and Del said looking at him with concern. "I hate bloody dementors!" Harry groaned pulling me into a hug.

Dumbledore's POV

"So that is what you have been teaching the girl then." Snape said as I looked into the penseive at my memory from the match. "That is correct but I had no idea she held that much power." I sighed turning around to face Snape. "Why are you so sad isn't it a good thing she will have a better chance of survival." Snape questioned looking at me with concern. "That is true but I wanted her to hide her powers so Voldemort didn't find out about them till the time where she attempts to kill him. Now it will be on the front page of every paper in the wizarding world tomorrow morning." I groaned taking a seat. "I didn't want Voldemort to know she was the girl from the prophecy either since he would have to guess between her, Granger and Amulet anyway." I said softly annoyed that the dementors did that to Harry causing her to forget what I warned. "I know you say I have come to care for the girl Albus but it seems you have too." Snape said quietly then left me to my own thoughts. I need to protect Bluebell Weasley, she is the granddaughter I never had.

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