Book 5 Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes as I felt the familiar ground beneath my feet. My vision was foggy as it was still clouded with tears but I could still make out the worried faces of my siblings as they bombarded me and Harry with questions.

"Blue, why are you crying?" Ginny asked with a pleading look painting her face. "Please you're frightening me."

"Something bad has obviously happened, Gin otherwise we would still be at Hogwarts asleep in our beds not back here." Ron said mirroring Ginny's frightened gaze.

"Right nobody panic." Sirius said in a calm tone as he and Sage entered the room but his eyes gave away that really he was just as stressed as I was. "Your father has been injured and taken to St Mungo's hospital. Your mother is there now but she has asked that you wait until the morning before you go there so we have a better idea of what kind of condition he's in... but I'm sure he'll be fine."

"What do you mean by what kind of condition he's in?" Fred shouted. "Is this your way of sugar coating the fact that our father could be dying right now and we would be none the wiser?"

Sage and Sirius looked like he didn't know what to say as my siblings all gazed at him desperately.

"Harry and Blue know something, look at them." George said pointing a finger at the both of us.

"All I know is is that Dad is hurt." I said quietly, my voice hoarse from my tears shed in Dumbledore's office.

"And how did you know what, Blue?" Del asked delicately placing an arm around my shoulders.

"I saw Harry have a nightmare so followed him to Dumbledore's office and overheard their conversation." I replied.

"What do you mean you saw Harry have a nightmare?" Ron grimaced. "Where you in our dormitory?"

"No!" Harry and I shouted quickly our eyes widening and blushes reaching our cheeks.

"I had one of my visions, you know the ones I get when Harry is in pain or in trouble." I clarified.

"So Harry what happened in this nightmare that was so terrible that Blue witnessed it to?" Mione said in a matter of fact tone, desperately just trying to get to the point.

"I saw Mr Weasley at the Ministry of Magic and he looked extremely injured." Harry said whilst looking down at his shoes.

My siblings nodded their heads believing his answer but I didn't buy it. Harry had witnessed something else in this dream of his, otherwise I wouldn't of had my vision. Harry only has these dreams when they involve Voldemort and I only have these visions when Harry is in trouble so something didn't add up. Harry saw something that he doesn't want to tell us about, something that scared him so much he won't even confide in Ron or I .

"Let's all take a minute and just sit down and have a drink." Sage said motioning for us to follow her to the kitchen in 12 Grimauld Place.

The rest of the night went by in a blur of long silences followed by Ginny's worried sobs whist we all tried to calm her down. Eventually we all fell to asleep around Grimauld Places large kitchen table, the last thing I remember before the sun rose was laying my head in the crook of Harry's neck, soon after feeling the weight of his head atop of mine.


I awoke to the sound of chairs screeching across the stone ground and the familiar hooting of the family owl. I was soon shook awake by Fred who I opened my eyes to see was smirking down at me.

"Come on lovebirds, we have a letter." He winked down at Harry and I. We were still in the same position we fell asleep in. I admire how he can find humour in any situation but all I could focus on was the unopened letter that lay in the middle of the table with our mother's familiar scrawl decorating the front.

"Who's going to open it?" Ron asked looking around at us all.

"I can't I'll be sick." Ginny cried.

We all looked at the twins in the hope that they would step up and deliver the news to us given that they were the oldest.

"Don't look at us." They both shouted in unison.

"Should I read it?" Hermione said kindly reaching out for the letter as we all quickly nodded.

The next few moments were filled with a painful silence as we all awaited the news.

"Ok." Hermione broke the silence. "Good news, Mr Weasley will make a full recover from his injury which was several venomous snake bites and will return home later today!"

We all sighed in relief. My siblings seemed to gloss over the cause of my Father's injuries in the relief of him being ok but I still took note to it.

I looked over at Harry but he wouldn't meet my eye. For the first time ever I couldn't read what he was thinking and I was filled with a sense of dread. I was desperate to know what Harry witnessed in his dream but how terrible was it?

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