Book 3 Chapter 2 The beach and Diagon Alley

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"Blue, let's go on a walk just the two of us."

"Who wants to go in the sea?" Del squealed already running towards the blue water. We all jumped in and it was so cold! "It is bloody freezing!" Ginny moaned as we all swam through the water. "Let's play water warrior like last year but it will be better
With the waves!" Mione said already heading for Ron. Del went to George and they kissed reminding me of what I didn't have. Angelina swam to Fred and Ginny swam to Percy who was in a lot better mood recently. "I guess we are partners then." Harry chirped smiling down at me but still with a guilty look in his eyes. I climbed onto his shoulders like last year but it felt very wrong and awkward and we lost every game. Eventually it was getting way to cold so we all climbed out and sunbathed on the sand. "Blue let's go for a walk just the two of us." Mione said quietly because she obviously didn't want Del and Gin tagging along. "Kk." I said standing up and realising we had no coverups. "Does anyone have spare shirts me and Mione can borrow?" I asked looking around at the boys. "Me and Harry do." Ron said handing his to Mione and Harry's to me. I pulled it on and was overwhelmed by Harry's scent, I tried to put on a brave face but Mione saw through it and pulled me into a cave. She sat on the floor and tapped the ground beside her gesturing me to sit. "What is going on Blue and please don't even bother trying to get yourself out of it." Mione said very much like my mother. "Look Blue I care about you a lot and I can see you are in pain you have to tell me why otherwise I can't help you." She said again but this time softly with a warm smile. "Well something happened at the end of last year and I haven't been or felt the same since." I whispered feeling the tears prickle my eyes. "Care to tell me what?" Mione said watching the tears start to role down my face. "It happened in the chamber whilst you were still petrified, I didn't want to tell you or Ron incase it ruined our friendship circle." I cried remembering all the pain that I just wanted to lock away. "Ginny kissed Harry because she was confused but Harry just let it happen and I saw it all. I felt something inside of me break and I know I sound dramatic but in that moment I wanted nothing more then to just die. I stopped breathing and then I passed out." I finished now sobbing. Mione didn't say anything and just pulled me into a hug. " I am sorry Blue that I was so harsh about not getting letters this summer, but everything will get better and I am glad you finally told me." Mione whispered pulling out of the hug and standing up. "Come one let's go get some ice cream and enjoy our childhood while we can!" Mione cheered pulling me up and whipping the tears of my face. "Thanks Mione for being my best friend always!" I said as we walked back to the group and ate some ice cream. We had a great day after that, messing about on the beach and splashing each other in the sea. This is how my life should be, easy and carefree with out the constant interruptions.

"Wake up we are going to Diagon Alley!" Mione squealed shaking me awake. "I want to buy a cat!" She shouted. "I am getting up just take a chill pill!" I groaned. I did my little routine and put on a red floaty skirt and a tight white cropped top. I ran out of the bathroom and straight into someone. "Sorry!" I laughed looking over at the person who was now laying on the floor with me. It was Harry and I immediately stopped laughing. He got up and reached a hand out to help me, I decided to just take it. As soon as I took his hand he grinned and pulled me into a hug. I felt all the awkwardness from yesterday drain away and I felt like this is where I belonged. I knew we had to just be friends for awhile but I could feel myself falling back in love with Harry . "I have missed that laugh so much!" Harry whispered in my ear still holding me tightly. "Awww." Fred and George chorused as me and Harry stared into each other's eyes. "Piss off!" I shouted glaring at them and sending a ball of fire their way. "Come on let's go get breakfast!" I chirped not dropping Harry's hand and pulling him down the stairs.

Harry's POV

I wasn't paying attention and I walked into something making the both of us fall on the floor. "Sorry!" Blue laughed but I knew she was only laughing because she didn't know it was me. She looked over at me and stopped laughing so I stood up and put my hand out to offer her help. I thought that she probably wouldn't take it but she did and I grinned the grin I wore when we were eleven and running through the barrier at kings cross. I pulled her into a hug which she didn't object and realised that it would take a while to win Blue's trust back but I knew that one day I would. We both pulled back and I got lost in her deep eyes but then her stupid brothers had to ruin the moment. "Awwww" Fred and George chorused making me blush. "Piss off!" Blue shouted and thew a fire ball in their direction which they just dodged. We then walked down to breakfast still holding hands and I couldn't be happier that I had my best friend back.

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