Book 5 Chapter 22

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The school was silent and lit only by the flickering flames of candlelight in their aged sconces. I was stood to the side of the fat lady portrait in the shadow of an old statue, hugging my arms across myself to hide from the draft as I had been too distracted to pick up a jumper. The portrait opened revealing Harry, clutching a piece of glistening cloth which we had learnt was an invisibility cloak in our first year. Quickly, I pushed my hand out, clutching his arm and pulling him into the shadows.

"Good evening to you too." Harry smirked, pulling of his jumper with one look at my shivering body.

"Thanks." I smiled, pulling it on before reaching up on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Can I have this one back though." He laughed. "You've stolen practically everything else."

"I can't help that your clothes suit me better then my own now can I?"

"I suppose there's no arguing with that." He replied, unfolding the invisibility cloak and pulling it over the both of us, shielding us from the outside world.

I began leading the way, Harry placing his hands on my hips in an attempt to keep us from tripping up. "Where are we going or is that a secret?" Harry whispered, his warm breath hitting the back of my neck causing me to shiver more then I had done before he gave me his jumper and causing him to let out a low laugh.

"The library." I replied quietly, fighting the blush from my cheeks and thanking Merlin that it was dark. "The restricted section to be more specific."

"Aww memories." Harry mocked, squeezing his fingers into my hips.

"Yes but last time we almost got caught." I whispered. "We are going to do better this year."

"Well we will cause it's just us, no clumsy Ron to knock things over and no cautious Hermione who takes so long trying to not get caught that Filch catches up to her." Harry giggled.

Soon we reached the oak door of the library. Tiptoeing inside and unlocking the gate to the restricted section with the spell Hermione favoured in the first year, I began my search leaving Harry looking very confused.

"Is this when you tell me the plan or are you just using me for my chocolate?" Harry asked, pulling off the cloak and coming to stand beside me against the ancient bookshelf.

"Definitely just the chocolate." I smirked, pulling out the chocolate frog from his back pocket and tearing it open. "I mean what use are you? It's not like you've ever done anything that impressive."

"I am a bit boring I guess." He replied. "I've had quite a low-key life so far I would say."

With a giggle I got back to my search with one book in mind, a book that had not been opened for over fifty years so the pages were bound to be clouded with dust and broken dreams. Eventually I found it, it's spine cracked and aged to the point where it's title was almost unreadable.

I flicked to the right page and then showed it to Harry. "This is what we are going to try and learn to do." I smiled.

"Occlumency?" Harry asked, taking the heavy book and beginning to read.

"It's to keep Voldemort out of your head and help you get in the heads of others." I grinned. "It will give us more power to help save the wizarding world."

"Well that's great, Blue." Harry sighed. "Except it's just this is really advanced so there's no way in hell I could do this."

"Well it's a good thing you're the boy who lived and have a girlfriend who is the most powerful witch of her age." I whispered, reaching up to fix his glasses which had come askew.

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