Book 3 Chapter 1 Summer

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"What is it to you Potter?"

The summer holiday was dragging along. it was halfway through and I had barely spoken or left my room. Everyone was really worried since they didn't know what was wrong and why I was acting like this. If I did speak it was to Del or Jamie since they understood, Mione and Angelina were coming over tomorrow to go to the beach and stay for the rest of the holidays. I knew it would probably lift my spirits and I really needed to speak to Ginny because she was avoiding me at all costs. I went to sleep that night letting the pain go away.

"Wake up sleepy head Mione and Angelina will be here in two hours!" Del shouted rocking me back and forth. I groaned and got up to go to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I then put on a yellow summer dress with white sandals and did my hair wavy so it looked effortless. Then I put on a bit of makeup and left the bathroom. I had decided today I would stop moping around and be happy, I also wanted to talk to Ginny. I hadn't told Mione or Ron about Harry because I didn't want to ruin their friendship with him too. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table next to Jamie who had been staying with us. "Morning." I chirped silencing everyone, they all looked at me in shock but smiled non the less. "Morning!" They all chorused back. Once we were all getting up from the table I grabbed Ginny's hand, she looked at me with a scared and guilty face so I smiled. I pulled her into the garden and we sat down on a bench. "Why won't you talk to me Gin I miss you." I said smiling at her. "I thought you were angry with me." She said back smiling at me. "Why would I be angry?" I said innocently as I watched the smile drop of her face. "Umm because I kissed Harry and I don't know why I did it." She said softly back letting a tear tumble down her cheek. "I am not angry with you Ginny, I understand that you were suddenly overwhelmed and very grateful and it probably seemed like a great thing to do at the time." I said back pulling her into a Weasley hug. "I just miss my little sister Gin and I could never really be angry with you." I whispered again pulling back. "If you aren't annoyed at me then who are you upset with then." Ginny questioned as all the pain came rushing back. "I am upset with Harry because he broke my heart Gin and there was nothing I could say or do to stop it, you may have kissed him but he didn't pull away." I said back sadly. We then both went inside and messed about, I finally felt like I could enjoy my summer.

Harry's POV

I sat in my room all summer thinking about all the pain I had caused Blue and if we will ever be the same again. And then I heard the pecking at my window of an owl so I let it in. It was Errol the Weasley's owl.

Dear Harry

How is your summer going? I hope it has been better then mine but I guess you have had the Dursley's to deal with. Mione and Angelina are coming over tomorrow and I think you should come too. We are going to go to the beach and you can stay for the rest of the summer aswell. There is something wrong with Blue, something she won't tell me and I think you can fix it. Ever since she fainted in the chamber she hasn't been the same, she barely talks and hardly ever leaves her room. We haven't talked all summer and she will only talk to Del and Jamie and I just want my sister back. We will floo to you tomorrow and bring you back to the burrow because it is probably better then the flying car. See you soon.

From Ron

I finished reading the letter when I saw a teardrop smudge the ink. I had broken Blue's heart and I didn't know how to fix it. All I knew is that I love her and nothing will ever change that. I am going to the Burrow tomorrow and the Dursley's won't stop me.

Bluebell's POV

We heard the pop of apparation and ran outside. I basically thew myself at Mione as Fred did the same to Angelina. Del and George are together now aswell. "Mione!" I squealed as Gin, Del and Ron joined the hug. We all walked inside and Me,Ron,Del,Mione and Gin went to my room. "How was your summer?" I asked as we all sat on the floor in a circle and started eating chocolate frogs. "Pretty good other then I didn't get any letters from you!" Mione said suddenly become very stern. "Dry your eyes Mione I am her twin and she only spoke to me twice until today when she woke up normal again." Ron said looking at me with concern. The mood suddenly shifted and got very awkward. "Sorry guys after the chamber I wasn't myself I know but I am better now I promise." I said softly looking at them for approval. Everyone laughed and it was like old times except Harry wasn't there. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door so I got up and went to open it. I opened the door and looked out. There stood in front of me was Harry. "Hello." He said awkwardly as he walked into the room. "Hey Harry!" Ron chirped standing up and hugging him. It was like I was in the chamber again and I couldn't breathe. "Blue is talking again do you remember in my letter how I said she wasn't talking and eating and stuff?" Ron said smiling at his best friend. "You weren't eating!" Harry practically shouted putting his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and glared at him. "What is it to you Potter?" I snarled taking my seat again. I can't believe he is here, Ron invited him thinking it would make me happy but it only made it worse. "What the hell is going on?" Mione said looking at me and Harry in confusion. "Nothing, we have to get ready to go to the beach." I chirped making an easy escape and jumping up. We all got our swimming costumes and towels and put them in bags and then left the room. "I am so excited!" Del chirped as we walked down the stairs. She grabbed George's hand, Mione grabbed Ron's, Angelina grabbed Fred's and Ginny took Percy's since he agreed to come with us. Harry looked at me with sadness in his eyes, I was so confused as to what was going on, one minute he is kissing my sister and the next he is acting like he loves me. I walked out by myself and we all climbed in ministry cars that Dad had got for us. We drove to the beach talking about going back to Hogwarts and the new lessons we would be starting. When we finally arrived we jumped out the car and ran to the sand. As soon as I could feel the warm sand on my toes and the wind in my hair I felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulder and I could have fun. I wonder how long this will last.

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