Book 1 chapter 2 The journey on the Hogwarts Express

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It was like a beacon of hope in a space full of sadness and I could already tell Hogwarts is and will always be my home

It was September 1st the day me and my brothers were to go to kingscross station and board the Hogwarts express which will take us to were all wizarding children are their happiest Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry! Over the last month or so since Diagon Alley I just can't get the boy from Madam Malkins out of my head, I will think about him all the time and just smile Mum thinks I have just taken my day dreaming to the next level though. I miss the warmth I felt under those green eyes but I know I will see him again but I still don't know why he is so familiar. " Blue wake up and get ready we are setting of for Kingscross in 2 hours!" Mum shouted from the kitchen downstairs. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. "Not so fast I'm am older therefor superior and am going in first!" Ron huffed barging me out the way to get to the bathroom but not before I stuck my foot out tripping him up. " You are older by the grand total of three minutes someone better get you a medal!" I said sarcastically stepping over my brother who was laying on the floor frowning and stepped in the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I had a shower taking my time just to annoy Ron and dried my hair. By the time I had finished putting on a bit of makeup Ron, Fred and George where trying to breakdown the door to get in. " 2 minutes!" I shouted wishing this house had more than one bathroom or less people. I quickly pulled on a red of the shoulder crop top and my little black skater skirt to finish it off I put on my red heels and stomped out the bathroom.

When I got downstairs Mum and Dad were sat at the table with my two oldest brothers Bill and Charlie I didn't even know they were in the county let alone in my kitchen. " Billy, Charlie!" I squealed pulling them both into a hug. "Wow you look beautiful Blue you have grown up so much." Charlie said looking down at me with a smile. "Maybe a bit to grown up for an eleven year old, is that mascara?" Bill questioned. I shot him my famous look which is puppy dog eyes with don't mess with me and he backed down. " How come you are both here?" I said spreading marmalade on a slice of toast. "Well we couldn't let you leave for Hogwarts with out saying goodbye could we?" Charlie said with a grin.
" We are going to miss you so much when we come home and your annoying presence isn't hear." Bill chuckled while shoving cornflakes into his mouth.
The twins, Ron and Ginny came down the stairs smiling and carrying various different sized trunks and pets "Are we all ready?" Mum said with tears in her eyes, honestly she has been doing this for more than ten years you would have thought she would be fine but I swear she is getting worse. "Ready!" Everyone choruses looking at my weeping Mother.
"Two more of my babies fly the nest today!" She weeped while me and my brother rolled our eyes and flooed to kings cross.

Once we were all there we loaded our trunks onto a trolley and started swiftly walking to platform 9 and thee quarters, we only had ten minutes before the Hogwarts express left so we were all fairly stressed.
"Percy of you go" mum said "Bill and Charlie you next then Fred and George." Mum said again "I'm not Fred he is." said one of the twins.
"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother." the other twin chorused. " it's ok, only joking I am Fred."  They both laughed and sprinted towards the barrier after Bill and Charlie. "Excuse me." Said a voice of a boy around my age while he tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see it was the boy from the robe shop with the kind green eyes, my heart started beating at 100 miles per hour and I blushed to the shade of a tomato. "How do you get on the platform?" He whispered to me with a huge grin on his face. "Oh it's mine and Ron's first time too we can go together if you like?" I questioned smiling at him. " Yes please!" He said. We ran to the barrier and through to platform nine and three quarters where the Hogwarts express sat waiting for us. "Bye." He said walking towards the train.

Harry's POV

I had been looking for the platform for ten minutes but still couldn't find it, I started to panick but then I saw the beautiful fiery locks of the girl from Diagon Alley walking towards the barrior between platforms nine and ten. It took all the courage I had to go ask how to get on the platform she took my breath away and I don't know why! " Excuse me." I asked timidly tapping her on her shoulder. She turned round flipping her hair and I got lost in her eyes again, she didn't say anything for a second and just looked at me blushing. " How do you get on the platform?" I asked grinning like the Cheshire Cat she probably thought I was some lunatic out of a horror movie. " We can go together if you like?" She said. This was the first time I heard her voice and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. "Yes please!" I said still grinning like a mad man but with a slight blush to my cheeks. We ran to the barrier if I did this with anyone else I would have been absolutely terrified but not with her I only felt safe. Once I saw the Hogwarts Express I quickly said bye so not to embarrass my self anymore and climbed on the train, I watched her hug her two older brothers, mum, dad and sister goodbye and jump on the train with her four other brothers. I longed for a family like hers and for someone to love me like that. I wish my mum was alive welling up when she saw me in my school robes and waving goodbye from the platform but it doesn't matter because now I can choose my family and I defiantly want her to be apart of it!

Blue's POV

I climbed on the train and followed Ron on the hunt for an empty compartment. Percy had gone to sit with his fellow prefects and Fred and George had gone to sit with their friends lee, Angelina and Katie. There was no empty compartments so we stopped at one with only one person in. "Hi do you mind if we sit here, everywhere else is full?" Ron questioned looking at the boy from the robe shop I smiled at him and he smiled at me. " Not at all!" He said gesturing to the two seats opposite him. " I am Ron Weasley and this is my twin sister." Ron said shaking the boys hand, "I am Bluebell but everyone calls me blue." I said taking his hand in mine I felt sparks fly and blushed. " I am Harry Potter." Harry said smiling at me only then did I realise I was still holding his hand so I quickly dropped it. Then it dawned on me that is where I know him from he is Harry Potter! "So is it true, do you have the scare?" Ron whispered while I elbowed him in the rib cage.
Harry pulled back his fringe revealing a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. "Wow!" Me and Ron chanted in unison whilst Harry smirked. We talked for two hours until the trolley lady appeared outside our compartment. "Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked with a small smile playing on her lips. "No thanks we are all set." Me and Ron groaned holding up our dry sandwiches mum had prepared for us at home. "We will take the lot!" Harry said pulling out god knows how many galleons and pacing them to the lady. For the next couple of hours we pigged out on sweets and talked about the muggle and magical world until a girl our age with brown bushy hair walked in. " Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville has lost one." She said smiling at me and Harry but scowling at Ron who was still shovelling Pumpkin pasties in his mouth. She sat down across from me and said "I'm Hermione granger what's your name?" She said smiling at me. "Blue Weasley and this is my twin brother Ron." I said smiling back at the girl.
"Holy Cricket your Harry Potter!" Hermione shouted grinning at Harry, I felt a twang of jealousy but then  it went away when Harry turned to me and smiled. "Anyway you better get your robes on I expect we shall we arriving soon." Hermione said getting up and leaving the compartment.

We got of the train to be greeted by a massive man called Hagrid who smiled down at Harry then looked at me and gave a wink to Harry. Me, Mione, Ron and Harry sat in a boat and my first sight of Hogwarts was spectacular. It was like a beacon of hope in a space full of sadness and I could already tell Hogwarts is and will always be my home

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