Book 5 Chapter 14

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It was almost the Christmas holidays, we had had a few DA meetings and all the students that attended where flourishing spectacularly. Harry was an amazing teacher, he was one of those people that when he spoke you just had to go silent, he was a natural born leader just like Dumbledore and I imagine James Potter also.

Even Neville had improved greatly since the start of the meetings, he could do simple spells now perfectly. But the DA was in constant danger, the inquisitorial squad had formed and were hunting the halls of Hogwarts with vengeance. Malfoy was their leader and his usual goons trotted behind him like lost puppies.

DA members had to tiptoe around in order not to get caught, if we were caught then Umbridge would probably kill us. Mione wouldn't care about getting killed though, she would be more worried about getting expelled since she hasn't really changed a lot since first year.

We were all stood in the room of requirement. All the DA members parted so that Hermione and Ron had an isle in the middle.

I stood on my tiptoes to whisper in George and Del's ears. "One galleon , Hermione wins."

"You're on." They replied, grinning in sink.

Fred gave me a high-five since he knew Hermione was going to win. "I'm gonna need half of that galleon, young Bluebell"

"Merlins beard, you wish." I grinned.

Hermione stupefied Ron sending him to the back of the room with the thud. All the girls laughed and crowded around Hermione as Ron just strutted over.

"I let her do that."

"Yeah, sure you did." I smirked as George and Del handed me a Galleon.

The rest of the meeting consisted of more duels and practicing spell work. Ginny was amazing at reducto and Luna had a perfected her patronus.

"Every great wizard in history has started out... as nothing more then what we are now: students." Harry cheered really getting into being a teacher.

When the lesson came to an end, Harry told everyone that that was the last DA meeting until Christmas. Everyone left the room except me and Harry who stayed to clean up a bit.

"You're a really good teacher, Harry." I smiled.

He grinned back. "I'd hope so, otherwise all these people I'm teaching are gonna fail their exams."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the picture of Cedric, someone must of put it up. He was grinning and so full of life, then I looked at my reflection behind the picture and saw I looked the complete opposite.

"Learning all these knew spells it makes me wonder that if he'd of known it." I began but couldn't bear to carry on.

Harry's reflection appeared next to me. "Cedric did know all that stuff, it's just Voldemort knew more. He loved you so much though Blue."

My eyes began to water and I buried my head in Harry chest as he stroked my hair. "Part of me wishes he didn't love me, it would of made it so much easier."

"But he did, he loved you and talked about his love for you until the very end. Just like you will." Harry said gravely.

I looked up to see Harry staring at the picture of Cedric.

"Harry, I loved Cedric so much. But I love you too. Cedric was my first love but you are the one that will stay with me till the very end."

"Always." He smiled.

"My patronus never changed though, it just shows my love for you was even stronger."

"How do you mean?" Harry asked.

"My patronus is a doe that matches your stag. It could be because me and your mother are somehow connected even though Dumbledore won't tell me how, her patronus was a doe also but it's because of how much I love you. My patronus should of changed to a badger like Cedric but it never did."

Harry smiled at me before we left the room of Requirement to return to our friends.

Thanks for reading!
I wanted Bluebell and Harry to have a moment but I also didn't want them to kiss in front of Cedric's picture because I always thought it was kind of gross and disrespectful.
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