Book 5 Chapter 15

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The Christmas holidays were only two days away and you could feel the excitement in the air. Little first years sprinted down the halls of Hogwarts singing merry Christmas songs and comparing their dream presents that they hoped to find under the tree. Older years could be found tutting at the ecstatic antics of the younger years but you couldn't be fooled by them as they were too found humming the same merry tunes the first years sang at the top of their lungs.

Hogwarts felt free again as if the beloved school of magic was no longer plagued by the terrors being faced in the outside world. Hogwarts was a festive bubble of hope that one day the world would be right again.

As for me I felt hope also. I felt hope that this Christmas would be a magical one full of family and friends. That this Christmas I would adorn my new Weasley jumper and pig out on Christmas dinner at Grimauld place. That this Christmas I would be happy. The only thing that seemed to be holding me back from my perfect Christmas was that something was definitely bothering Harry. So on that day, two days before the beginning of the Christmas holidays, I swore to get to the bottom of it.


"How many times would a bludger have to hit Umbridge for her to snuff it?" I asked thoughtfully as we all watched Umbridge shovel food into her fat gob.

We were sat in the great hall which was decked out with singing coats of amour and Christmas trees with real fairies lighting them up. Snow was falling from the great halls ceiling and happy chatter bounced of the walls of the school.

"I'd say it depends on where the bludger is hitting her." Smiled Fred wickedly. "Say it was hitting her in the head I don't think it would do much damage as she is already braindead up there".

"I think to get the most accurate estimate then we will just have to test the experiment out". Snorted George as Del flicked him playfully on the nose.

"I don't know or neither care how many times it would take as long as it would shut her up". Huffed Mione under her breath making Ron give her a look of shock and admiration.

"Mione that is quite unlike you!" I giggled. "You know this experiment would lead to you getting expelled!"

"And you haven't even sat your OWL'S yet let alone become head girl!" Chimed in Harry picking up from where I left off.

"Well the shutting up of Umbridge is a cause I believe in, just like S.P.E.W and don't think I haven't noticed Ronald that you still don't wear the badge". Shot Hermione giving Ron a stern look.

"I'd wear it if you changed the name of your charity but Mione I am not going to walk around with a badge on that looks like I'm promoting barf!" Rushed Ron.

Sensing that an argument was about to begin I hastily changed the subject. "So, is everyone excited for Christmas!"

Everyone nodded smiling at each other. I had a feeling that this Christmas was going to be just like the summer before our second year, exciting and full of laughter.

"I can't believe we will all be at Grimauld place! I don't even remember how we all fit in there last summer!" Laughed Del happily as she helped her self to more carrots.

"I'm sure my dear mother will have a boy room and a girl room appointed to lock us up in from the moment we step on to platform nine and three quarters." Groaned George looking wistfully into Del's eyes as if eating carrots was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "Don't worry though Del, I'll find a way to sneak in."

As he winked Mione and I groaned on sink. "Moving on from that topic, I am most excited for Christmas as I no longer even need a walking stick and food looks appetising again!"

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