Book 4 Chapter 19 Until the end

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"Yes!" I squealed as a look of shock crossed his face but was quickly replaced by one of happiness.

"Fuck! You said yes?" Cedric asked making me laugh happily.

"Of course I did you twat. Now let me see my ring on my finger." I giggled as he pushed the carnelian ring onto my finger and stood up.

We both had happy tears in our eyes and as he softly took my face in his hands I couldn't help but notice how truly perfect he was. How truly perfect this was.

"I love you Bluebell Weasley, my fiancé." Cedric whispered before he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

We stayed like that for a while, just replaying the proposal in our minds and enjoying each other's company.

When we pulled apart and laid back on the ground the sun was getting lower and dread filled my heart. What if something happened?

I quickly pushed away my awful thought and focused on the boy I had grown up with, breathing steadily as he looked up at the sky.

"What do you want to be when you leave Hogwarts?" I asked as he turned his head to face me.

"A ministry worker. I'm not too fussed in which department, I just want a respectably and well paid job that will support us and our future family." Cedric smiled making my heart flutter.

"What future family do you see?" I asked as he smiled wider at my question.

"I see you with a wedding ring on your finger, you are holding our little boy and our little girl is running around excited because she got her Hogwarts letter. We live in a little cottage surrounded by flowers like these, it is on the other side of the hill from our parents so they can babysit. I have just come home from work and we have a feast just like at Hogwarts." Cedric said looking dreamily at the distance as if he could see this image of the happy family in front of him.

"That sounds perfect, except you got one thing wrong. We will have a little guest house in the garden where Ron can live when Hermione realises he is useless." I said as we both erupted into laughter.

"Yeah, that's more like it!" Cedric chirped.

"And what about the wedding, lamb?" Cedric asked as it was my turn to look thoughtful.

"A spring wedding with Easter eggs as wedding favours and yellow flowers all around. We can have a red and yellow colour scheme with the colours diluted to pastels. It will be the perfect mixture between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor houses." I said as he nodded happily.

I couldn't tell you how long we laid there, holding hands like our life depended on it and watching the sky turn light to sunset.

We talked about the life that we were going to share together, until the end.

That was the happiest I had ever felt but the third task loomed over us, pulling us back to reality as we realised before we could be free there was one more task to complete.

We didn't talk all the way to the quidditch pitch that had been turned into a maze. We kept our hands clasped together and Cedric's other arm was protectively around my waist.

The stands were already filling up but I stayed by Cedric's side.

"Lamb, there is something I need to say before I do this." Cedric said as a feeling of sadness and terror took over me.

"The chances that I won't make it out alive are high..." Cedric began before I stopped that.

"Don't say that! You are going to be fine and win this tournament so we can live the life we planed. Together." I cried as he took my face in his hands and rubbed my cheek.

"But if I don't. I want you to forget about me, don't grieve for me and find someone who makes you happy. Erase any memory you have of me and don't let it ruin your life. I shouldn't have entered this tournament but the point is that I did and now I might die. If I do die, please I beg you, just stay strong and I will always be with you. Live the life we planned with someone else, someone who loves you just as much as I do." Cedric cried as I began to sob.

"Don't be stupid Cedric. I can't just forget you and I won't have too. You will come out of the maze a champion and then we can build our cottage." I cried as he shook his head slightly.

A canon fired and Cedric kissed me quickly.

"I love you lamb."

"I love you sheep."

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