Book 4 Chapter 15 the second task

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"Have you found anything yet?" I asked as I peered over Mione's shoulder at the book she was reading.

"Nope and I won't find anything whilst you distract me." Mione answered back matter of factly.

"Sorry. I'll leave you too it then." I replied sarcastically as I walked to the next person. It was the second task tomorrow and was getting late now, we had been in the library all day!

"Hello Del! How are you?" I asked because for the past hour I had been so bored that I decided to just annoy people.

"Really good actually, George is amazing!" Del said happily as she dropped her book looking for an excuse not to read it.

"I meant to ask you, what was happening in your compartment at the start of the year?" I smirked as her once happy face turned red and panicky.

"Nothing." She blurted to quickly for it to be the truth.

"If you say so, so would you say you loved my brother." I asked as she smiled dreamily.

"One hundred percent yes and I tell him everyday." Del smiled cheesily as she obviously remembered a romantic memory.

"Cute, I'm happy for you but I have to be maid of honour at the wedding, no exceptions." I warned making her laugh.

"Chill I am fourteen and he is sixteen, but when the time comes sure you can be maid of honour. Mione, Gin and Luna can be my other bridesmaids and I suspect Fred will be best man." Del replied as I clapped my hands excitedly.

"Sooo, how are you and Cedric?" Del giggled as my face turned red.

"We are doing well and are officially together." I replied happily but I felt eyes on me, I decided it was just my imagination though.

"I'm glad you've moved on from the dick over there, do you love Cedric?" Del asked as my face turned even redder.

"Yes. I have done since I was like six and before that we were best friends anyway." I smiled as Del snorted at me.

I heard someone drop something and I quickly turned around to see it was Harry. He looked sad, no he looked heartbroken.

"Hi Harry, have you found anything?" I asked which for some reason seemed to shock Harry.

"No." Harry replied but his voice was quite and hurt.

"Is everything ok?" Del asked as Ron came over to see what was wrong.

"Everything is just spectacular." Harry replied sounding sarcastic but still depressed.

"Oh for fuck sake, get over her! You didn't seem so upset when you were sucking Chang's face off just yesterday." Del said loudly as I stood up and walked away to find wherever Mione was.

Harry's POV

"I can snog who ever I want Del, but why has that come into the fact that I just answered a question. It had nothing to do with Blue." I replied angrily as Ron and Del just smirked.

"Do you not feel satisfied with Cho?" Ron asked in a voice which sounded an awful lot like a therapist.

"I am completely satisfied with Cho thank you very much, she is a splendid girl." I replied matter of factly as their smirks turned into grins.

"Do you love Cho?" Del asked taking me of guard.

"I don't know. How do you tell?" I asked more quietly.

"I think you just know mate. It's obvious you don't love her anyway we are just tormenting you." Ron replied.

"How can you tell my feelings towards Cho when I can't?" I asked as they beamed at me.

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