Book 4 Chapter 17 The Pensieve

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Harry's POV

I can't believe Snape read out that article! I was sat in my seat the whole time slowly sinking further and further down in my chair hoping that the ground would just swallow me up. But the thing that made it so much worse was that Blue seemed like she was enjoying it.

Like she didn't look embarrassed or even fazed for that matter when for instance Mione ran off crying or when she found out about me basically stalking her at the Yule Ball.

The thing I want to know the most is, how the hell did Rita Skeeta get that information. She isn't allowed in the school and she might have people working from the inside but that still doesn't explain the pictures.

I felt terrible for Mione, she seems like she really likes that Krum but I know that nothing romantic is happening between Blue and Krum, she is just to in love with Cedric to look at anyone else. That even includes me as much as it breaks my heart.

Ron must of been mortified too, that is his sister that is being labelled in a popular magazine as some sort of Slag and she is fourteen, that is just wrong.

And of course Del looked like she was enjoying the whole experience, from the drama too my embarrassment. She grinned the whole time!

Anyway enough of my rambling, I was running to Dumbledore's office because I just knew I had to tell him. Over the past few years I have been at Hogwarts I had formed a special bond with the headmaster. I don't have much of a family and the ones I have I greatly dislike. I have Sirius and the Weasley's and everything and I feel like my 'chosen' family is constantly growing, but sometimes you need one person who you can literally trust with your life. And that man for me is Dumbledore. He is like the grandfather I longed for when I was stuck in that cupboard for most of my childhood. He was my fairy godmother but the male version. You get the picture.

It was between lessons because unlike Blue I did not have the courage to pick a fight with Snape and walk out but I must say she was bloody brilliant.

People kept pushing and shoving me all the way to the gargoyle statues, I quickly walked up the moving spiral staircase since I was very eager. Just before my fist hit the door I heard the talking of a few men in Dumbledore's office.

I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew one of them was Moody from the raspy and cold voice and the other must of been Fudge because you really can't miss the minister of magic.

I could here footsteps approaching the door and began to panic, I really did not want them thinking I was listening in on their private conversation. Even though I sort of was.

"Mr Potter is here to see you headmaster, I wonder if it's about Miss Weasley again I always love listening to the gossip." Moody snorted before he even opened the door. Shit I forget he had that creepy, magical eye.

I opened the door and smiled at them all as politely as I could given the circumstances of my arrival.

"Hello Harry! I will be with you in a moment I just have a few matters I need to attend too with the minister here." Dumbledore smiled happily acting as if the last thirty seconds hadn't happened.

I took a seat opposite his desk as he left with his companions. That was the second embarrassing thing to happen to me in a day my track record is definitely getting worse.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something glistening metallically. It was coming from a cupboard which's door was slightly ajar letting the light flood out of the small space.

I was so curious and constantly found my self staring at it without even thinking. It was like muscle memory.

In the end of dying a slow death of curiosity I decided to be bold and check it out, after all I am the chosen one and a little cupboard shouldn't scare me. Should it?

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