January 24, 2015 [ The Future ]

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[ A/N: I apologize for not being on a lot! school has been extremely rough for me with my new classes, so I ask need your prayers that I can trust God to take care of me. I have over 700 notifications, so if I haven't responded to you, hang tight! I'm going to try to work out a couple of hours where I will go through and answer everyone. for now, I'm going to go ahead and update a chapter. thank you so much for all of your support! ]

"God has more in store for you than you can even imagine." ~Ephesians 3:20

The Future-

Life can get really overwhelming at times. We may be teenagers now, but we don't be forever. We have college to think about, and then, jobs! Even before that, we have to think about our grades, driver's tests, all things worthy of dread! As you get further into your teens, you begin to realize life isn't as easy as it use to be. You've suddenly been loaded with a lot of responsibility.

There's no avoiding this. Every teenager will have to deal with all of the things I listed. When you think about all of these, it can become extremely stressful.

I'm a straight A student, and as I've gotten older, it's gotten a lot harder. I've still been determined to get the straight A's I always have had, but sometimes I know I'm stretching myself to do accomplish too much. In these cases, I have to be reminded that my faith should be in God. It's not bad to be self-conscious and want to have good grades, but it is when you get to the point that you're obsessive. It's okay to get a B; it won't be the end of the world. God will still love me whether I get an A or a B or anything else.

The future is coming in fast, and we have to be ready. God will take care of our future; He already has it planned for us. But He isn't going to just hand it to us. As long as we work hard and do all that we can, He will provide for us. God has so many great things in mind for our future, but we just have to push through now with our trust in Him.

Dear God, I know I can get really stressed out. I know it's not good for me and that I need to put my trust in You. I look forward to seeing the future You've planned for me. Amen.

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