February 6 2014 [Feeling Alone]

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"Because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'" ~ Hebrews 13:5

Feeling Alone-

We all feel alone at some point in our lives. For some. it's nearly all the time. I'm one of those people. Since this is the first entry, I'm going to give you guys a background on me. Im a teenager just like you guys. I'm awkward. Extremely awkward. I'm shy. I'm very quiet. I'm alone most of the time. I feel empty. I cry a lot. I'm very emotion. Any of these sound familiar to you? Lots of girls go through this exact same thing. It normally feels like you're the only one, but trust me, you're not. I have to remind myself this nearly every day. You may not be the most popular girl. So what? I learned the hard way. Last year, I was so alone. I was tired of it. I started to become friends a girl at my school. We hit it off, and she loved hanging out with me. I felt so special, and I was always happy. Guess what? Plot twist. She got tired of me, doesn't talk to me much, and I sit in silence at lunch while she talks to my friends who are also popular. Also, my old best friend ditched me for her. Being popular isn't all what it's cut out to be. I would give anything to have been with a different group, but now, I'm stuck in this one, and nobody even talks to me. And they're all boy crazy. That's the worst, isn't it? It'll just cause trouble. It's okay to be friends with boys, that's totally cool! Just don't ditch your girlfriends for guys, and don't throw yourself at them. Anyways, I definitely regret choosing the group I'm in. They're not the best influence either. But I have found two girls who aren't like that. One is a library helper with me, and one sits in algebra with me. They are amazing. They truly care about me, and can tell if I'm having a bad day. I only have a few classes with them though, so most of my miserable. Okay, so there was a point to this whole rant. You need to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. GOD IS WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. God promises us. It's written in black and white in the Bible. Sometimes, being alone is a good thing. Maybe He wants to get your attention. When I'm alone, I try to pray. You need to remember that God is always with you!!

Dear, God. I know that I'm alone a lot. When I am, I need you to remind me that You're here with me all the time. You never said this life was easy, but You DID say that you would be with us every step of the way. I know they're people out there who have it worse than me, and I pray for them. I pray for you to bring someone who will be a good influence into my life, and I pray that you give me the strength and the courage to spread Your word. That is our job on this Earth. Amen.

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