January 1, 2015 [New Year]

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"The old has gone, the new is here." -2 Corinthians 5:17

New Year-

It is officially 2015! I hope you all had a fantastic New Years! Aside of that, another year has passed. 2014 went by in a flash! It's crazy how fast a year can past, almost in the blink of an eye.

Some people may be excited for another year. Others could be anxious or worried for what the future holds. We are all getting older year by year, and our responsibilities are changing as well. Our time on Earth is decreasing, and the time we spend with God is coming closer.

I think we should be glad for a new year. Sure, with each year we are getting more on our plates, and that can begin to seem overwhelming; but with a new year, we are getting a fresh, clean start. I bet we can all think of something we did last year that we aren't proud of. Maybe it was being mean to a friend, or disobeying a parent. Whatever it is, that is now the past. If you have asked for forgiveness from God, we can leave that behind. We have a brand new year to face, and we get to start with a clear mind! We all have our New Year's resolution, and we are prepared to tackle some of those tasks. Do you have anything down about your relationship with The Lord? We have an opportunity to grow closer to Him as the year goes on. Don't you want to look back on this year and see how much your relationship with Him has grown? We have the ability to accomplish things to make us a strong Christian: read the Bible more, spend more time with The Lord in prayer, and learn to love others the way He loves you! So don't be worried for the New Year; be ecstatic!!!

Dear Lord, I'm thankful for the new year You have presented me with. I pray that I will use my time wisely, and I will put you as my number one priority this year. I pray that You will guide me through this year and help me live the way I should. I pray that my relationship with You will flourish over the span of this year, and when I look back at it, I can say I spent the year well. Amen.

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