May 1, 2014 [Stress]

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Cast all of your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.


I don't know about you guys, but I stress out a lot! I worry about school, about friends, about the future... The list is endless with me. Did you know it's bad to worry? It insults God! He told us not to worry, for He would take care of His children. WE are His children! He's watching us all the time, looking out for us. And soon, nothing we stress about will matter one day, because we will be with Him and have nothing to worry or to fear. That's a comforting thought isn't it? Make sure to remind yourself that what your stressing out over is temporary, and may seem like everything now, but isn't as big as it may seem.

Dear God, I know I stress out a lot. Help me remember that none of this will matter one day, and that I should still do my best, but I shouldn't constantly worry about something because worrying only makes it worse. Help me remember that You have this all under control and that I need to trust You. I love You, and thank You for caring for me. Amen.

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