September 30, 2014 [Standing Tall]

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Standing Tall

"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things." ~Colossians 3:2

What does being a Christian mean to you? Is it just a label? Or is it your identity? Sometimes, being a Christian is hard, especially with all of the struggles here on earth we are constantly fighting. We are going to be tempted as long as we are here; it's inevitable. But our reaction to the hard times is what we are able to control.

As I've grown up, I've begun to realize how few Christians there are. Sure, there are people who claim to be a Christian, but it's hard to find true Christians with core beliefs and actions. Everyone needs a strong Christian in their life, and if you don't have one, become one for others. Make a difference in someone's life.

It's also going to get harder and harder to keep God as your main focus. School may tend to get in the way: studying late into the night, the type of people you surround yourself with, and even the lessons you learn in class. Know in your heart that nothing this world throws at you could ever shake your faith even in the slightest!

To stand tall means, "to be proud of yourself and confident in your abilities; to be brave." That is exactly what we Christians are called to do. Be proud! Be proud that your Savior is Jesus Christ, that He died for you alone! That is absolutely not something to be ashamed of, or to hide. Be confident! This can be a bit of a struggle for a few of you. In fact, sometimes it still is for me. Be confident in spreading God's word. Try to bring Him into conversations often. It's a great reminder not only to the person you're talking to, but it'll set you on the right track too. Be brave! Be bold enough to spread the Lord's word; be courageous enough to shout it to the world: OUR GOD SAVES!

Dear God, thank You for everything You've done for me. You've given me so much, so I will always stand tall for you. No earthly things will distract me from you. Amen.

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