August 31, 2014 [Hope]

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"Hope anchors the soul." ~Hebrews 6:19


Okay, this chapter is more of a thank you, but hope is very important in it! I now have 101 followers, over 4k reads on my first chapter, and over 39k reads on my entire book! Guys, you've changed my life! I just answered a comment on my feeling alone chapter. They said that they were going through the same thing. You guys, I wrote that chapter first, because it was the number one thing I was struggling with. And honestly, sometimes I still do. I hope you guys have seen the changes that have happened to me throughout this book based on my tone in each chapter. Jesus...has changed me! You've probably noticed that over the course of this book, I've become happier. Honestly, that girl who struggled with friends and awkwardness and being left out, she's still here. That's still me. But, I'm no miserable anymore. And it's because of the hope God has supplied me with. I've prayed and prayed and prayed, and my prayers have been answered in such an amazing way! Yes, things do happen in my life that make me sad. I didn't get Vice President, I stand in the hallways alone, I get in trouble at home, I fail a test, I stress about school. I probably have had more bad than good things happen this year. But subconsciously, I'm still happier than ever! I still praise The Lord for each day, I still thank Him for this day He has given me! All of those votes, comments, and messages you've all sent me, they lift my spirits tremendously! You all say how much I've helped you with this book, I've grown so much because of it!! I mean, I can't IMAGINE where I would be without it! I've told several people about it, that it has so many views. One girl said she didn't expect that I would have something like that. And it's even hard for me to believe! It's something I'm so proud of! And the whole thing with Vice President. A girl that ran against me, we're pretty good friends. She seemed pretty upset about losing, so I sent her a long text with scripture and saying that it just wasn't in God's plan, and that we both needed to trust that He had something better for us. Well, my mom talked to her and another one of my friends moms, and they said they were surprised I didn't win because of how nice I am! And I can't even tell you how much that means to me! I would much rather be called nice or a strong Christian, than be considered cool or pretty by anyone. Because those things are the things that matter most to me! I try to mention God in at least one of my conversations each day. I smile at everyone I make eye contact to, because that could be the only smile they get all day. So I encourage you, try being nice to everyone! Step out of your way to make someone feel better! You've probably heard this all of your life, and you're probably thinking: "I want to, but I'm too shy and I just can't do it." I know, because I use to be one of those people. The solution: PRAY. Pray that God will give you the strength to represent Him in your school hallways. Because, I know how much it would have meant to me if I'd had someone come up and talk to me when I was by myself, or left out. I think about that all the time, and that's one thing that pushes me to go through with walking up to someone I don't know and talking to them.

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