August 8, 2016 [Burdens]

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"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." ~Psalm 55:22


So, I started back to school today. Let me tell you: last night was not fun. Going back to school, getting back into a routine never really is. So you know what I did? I laid in my bed, thinking about the day I would soon wake up to, and cried. I was completely overwhelmed. This was a year with brand new experiences, especially daunting ones. I couldn't keep my mind from wandering back to the thought of how ultimately petrified I was. Sure, for most of that summer I wasn't the least bit bother by the upcoming school year—even the beginning of yesterday. Because it was so far away, it was almost unreachable. It was so far in what felt like the distant future that I felt like I didn't have to start worrying about it yet.

I've recently noticed that when something scares me, I like to not think about it. Pretend it doesn't exist right? Then you don't have to deal with it. However, while I was crying my eyes out last night, God called me out and corrected my misunderstanding.

I can't just forget about it while it's convenient. Because when it comes to the night before, I'm totally unprepared. I solved nothing by forgetting about it alone; I've simply solved my problem for the time being. Whenever we have a problem, it's not our place to fix it or worry about it or even forget about it. We have to lift it up to God!! He doesn't want us to lift our burdens on our own. Even if we forget how heavy our load is from time to time, it doesn't make it any lighter. What changes the weight is when we physically hand it and ourselves over to the Lord.

Because it's not until we come to the Lord as ourselves that He can touch us and work a miracle in us. He doesn't want us the way we make ourselves up for the world. He can do so much more with us as, well us.

Dear God,
Thank You for always encouraging me. I know there will be times when I will feel hopeless or discouraged, but I need to remember to put my hope in You. I know You will see me through whatever trial or struggle I'm facing. I pray that You use me in a miraculous way this year so I may bring You glory. Amen.

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