September 21, 2014 [Hatred]

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"Do not be intimidated by your enemies." ~Philippians 1:28


Hatred is a pretty strong word, isn't it? Hatred means: intense dislike or ill will. This strong word even has "intense" in the definition.

Do you have hatred in your heart? You're probably thinking, "Pshhh, 'course not! I don't 'hate' anyone like that!" But really think about it. If you even have the slightest doubt in your answer, you've got some work to do.

When I say hatred, I don't just mean towards friends and family. I mean towards enemies, people you don't get along with. I'm willing to bet there is at least one person in all of your lives that hasn't been very nice to you. There's definitely more than one in my life. Think about what they've said or done to you. Do you still love them?

That can be pretty tough depending on the situation. Maybe they've done some pretty awful things to you. We are still commanded to love, and not to have a heart of hatred.

As Christians, I always say we are representatives of Christ. To people who don't know Him, they turn to us for help. Have you thought that maybe people have been so hateful to you because they don't know Christ like they should? But if your heart is full of hatred, how can you help them?

The solution: like I always say, pray. Pray for God to work in their hearts and their minds. Pray that God will correct their wrongdoings and that He will lead them on the right path. Also, be nice to them. Don't scowl whenever you see them in the school halls. Smile and be kind to them. If you see them in class or talking to some of your friends, smile and say hey, no matter how they respond! Some may be bitter, but you have to overlook that! Don't let hatred blind you from someone who may be drowning in it.

Dear God, help me learn to love others, especially my enemies. It's hard when I know they don't love me. I pray that You will give me the courage and strength to overlook the things they've caused upon me, and that they will see me and change their ways. Amen.

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