Grace Unplugged

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This chapter isn't a devotional like I usually do, but I really wanted to share this with you guys! I just finished watching an amazing movie for the second time: Grace Unplugged! It's on Netflix if you would like to watch it (which I definitely recommend), but if you don't have access to the movie, at least go see the trailer on YouTube!

I wanted to do a small review of the movie, so if you haven't seen it yet, it's spoiler free! :)

I think Grace Unplugged is a spectacular movie! First of all, it is approached completely different from an average Christian movie. I love how it's a teenage girl, because so many of us can relate to the plot! Sure, we aren't running off to become superstars, but sometimes we are running from God. Sometimes we are aspiring and running after earthly things. We all want to make big accomplishments on Earth, but we need to be reminded: that's not the point. Whatever we accomplish here is all going to be forgotten one day. Spend your time running to God, not the things here on earth.

There are rewards for living for God! There will be people that will try to suffocate your faith, but don't let them! Proudly proclaim your faith.

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