95 The Date

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"Aki.....I was thinking" Hiroyuki said softly as he approached the little devil who just got out of bed.
   Hiroyuki just finished showering and he was wearing his bath robe meanwhile Akihiko was just about to get into the bathroom to shower.

Akihiko stopped walking and looked at him lazily. He was too lazy to get ready even though he wanted to go.
  He looked at the angel, all clean and handsome in a white bathrobe. He could smell his cologne and shampoo. It was awfully good and has been Akihiko's favourite scent.

"For our date later....lets pick out each other's outfit" Hiroyuki said smiling happily.

"Huh? Why?" Akihiko asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well just for fun. We've never done it before I thought it'd be nice. I wear what you had prepared for me and you'll wear what I had prepared for you" Hiroyuki said excitedly.

"You're gonna make me wear something sexy aren't you" Akihiko said looking at him with disbelief.

"What? No Aki...I swear I'm not asking to do this because of that. I just thought it'd be pretty sweet to pick each other's outfits for our date, thats all" Hiroyuki said frowning.
"If I wanted to see you naked or wear sexy clothes, I would definitely ask you to do so in the house, not outside where everyone can see you cause I doubt I can hold myself back" He said chuckling.

"Pervert" Akihiko said blushing and frowned as he turned away. He walked into the bathroom, leaving him.

"So do you want to?" Hiroyuki asked smiling and turn to look at him.

"At least let me shower first sheesh...." Akihiko said feeling annoyed and closed the bathroom door.

Hiroyuki's eyes sparkled with joy. Akihiko agreed to do his stupid idea with him. He was more than happy.
  He quickly went to the closet and excitedly picked out some clothes for his lover. Sometimes the smallest of things could make the angel so happy.


"Aki~ Are you ready yet?" Hiroyuki said cheerfully as he bursted into the bedroom with his shining halo and bright smile.
  He saw the little devil in front the mirror, sitting on the stool and was holding the hair dryer. Both of them were still in their bathrobes.

"Can you calm down....its not like we're late or anything" Akihiko answered frowning and put the hair dryer down as he just finished. He took his comb and was about to comb his hair.

Hiroyuki walked towards him with a smile and said,
  "Its okay I was just checking up on you. No rush~ Even I'm not ready yet. Do you wanna eat something before going?".

Hiroyuki stood behind him and looked at him in the mirror's reflection. The devil was stunning as always and it made the angel weak.

Akihiko raised his eyebrows in surprise and stopped combing his hair.
  "You didn't cook anything for lunch?" He asked looking at him in the mirror.

Hiroyuki raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't cook anything for lunch. He didn't think Akihiko would want to, now he was thinking otherwise.
  "Oh—well I was thinking we could go out and eat...but then I thought maybe you were hungry....so I thought I should ask you first but I—havent really cooked anything but I can if you want" he said panicking.

Akihiko averted his gaze and said as he continued to comb his hair and looked at his reflection,
  "Its okay. We can eat when we get back, I'm not that hungry. We could get something in the cinema too anyway".

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