80 The Take Outs

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Hiroyuki stared at Akihiko in the room. It was almost evening. He didn't know what to do honestly. He expects that Akihiko would wake up tomorrow.
He wanted to shower but it could wait. He didn't want to worry Akihiko. Though he was really bored.

Suddenly he heard Akihiko's tummy growling. He looked over at him and felt sad instantly. He felt bad. Akihiko must be starving. By logic he'd wake up earlier if he's hungry.
But I'd feel so bad if he wakes up and there's no food for him.
He thought.

He was hungry too. If he cooked after Akihiko wakes up then Akihiko would have to wait some more. He didn't like the thought of it.

Maybe I should order some takeouts and have someone send it.
He thought. He took Akihiko's phone on the table lamp beside the bed. He didn't see his phone anywhere so Akihiko's phone would do.

Akihiko never minded it unless he opens up the messages. Akihiko had a strict rule.
He scrolled through the apps, searching for the delivery service app. He doesn't use it, out Akihiko does.

But—the door is locked. How would they send it in? I can't even pay them....my card is....so far from the bed.
He thought.
The thought made him stop himself from ordering food.

He pursed his lips watching Akihiko. There must be another way. Suddenly Akihiko's shone rang.

It was Mako.

That gave him an idea.
He answered the call and instantly heard the little girl say,
"Aki chan is everything alright? I just wanted to check up".

"Hello, Mako" Hiroyuki said softly through the phone. Mako's voice is really sounds like a child's.

"Eeeehhh?! Hiroyuki? How are you the one who picked up the call?" Mako asked and was shocked that Hiroyuki had woken up.

"Well um long story.....I might need your help" Hiroyuki said softly and looked at Akihiko who was sleeping.

"Help?" She asked feeling curious. Earlier this morning Hiroyuki was the one who almost died, now Akihiko is gone? Perhaps.

"Something happened and um...I put Akihiko to sleep because he haven't been getting sleep I was worried" Hiroyuki said softly and tried to make it sound not so creepy.

"I can't really get out of bed....and I really want to cook but it doesn't seem like I could. Akihiko is gonna get hungry and I don't want that" He said.
He didn't want to tell Mako about the whole cuffthing. He worries that Akihiko might feel embarrassed by it.

"Could you.......if its not too much bring over some take outs?" Hiroyuki asked feeling guilty. He never asks for any devil's help. He didn't feel like it wasa right thing to do.
Plus, he felt kinda bad for asking for Mako's help. Akihiko would surely be mad but he think he could take it.

Make was astonished and speechless of Hiroyuki's carefulness towards Akihiko, it stuns her.

"I would just order food and have someone to send them over but I don't think I'll be able to take it from the door " Hiroyuki said.
"If it burdens you then its okay I—" he said.

"No its fine. I'll come" she said quickly.

"You sure? Can you find a way in?" He asked feeling surprised. He didn't expect Mako would help but out of all the devils, Mako is the only one that has hope of helping anyway.

"Its not the first time I broke in to someone 's house" Mako said chuckling.
"I'll be a little late. I have some work to do still" She said.

"Yea okay, Thank you Mako" Hiroyuki said politely. He still felt grateful that Mako would help him out.
They never really had a good relationship before. Mako didn't hate him or anything its just that Mako seems to always protect Akihiko.

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