05 The Food

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Akihiko walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed after feeling uncomfortable for so long. His body felt a lot better after Hiroyuki healed him.
    He had his towel wrapped around his lower part and dried out his hair with another towel.

He saw there was a light blue sweater and a dark turquoise skinny jeans on the bed. He stared at it blankly.
Hiroyuki could never fit into those.
  Then how does he have it?It was too small to be Hiroyuki's even if the sweater was big.

Maybe it was his boyfriend's.
   He thought frowning. He didn't remember him saying he had any siblings who made it there but he didn't mentioned about being with someone else before either.

He picked up the perfectly folded plain blue sweater and held it opened. The cloth felt nice and warm. It looked nice even if it was plain.
  He looked at the collar and knew about the brand.
Expensive taste. Must be an angel.
He thought as he still thinks it was someone else's.

He wore it as both of it were a perfect fit, oddly.
Maybe he like guys with a body like mine.
He thought as he went to hang the towels. He combed back his hair with his fingers and let it be messy.

He walked out of the room slowly as he didn't want to hurt his back even though his legs were fine. He walked down the stairs and raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Hiroyuki was in the living room with papers scattered on the table and he was wearing his glasses.
   This time he wasn't topless. He was writing down something on the papers and looked serious.
   He had to admit, Hiroyuki looks hot even with glasses .

He stared at him at the entrance of the living room and kept quiet . He watched him doing his work seriously, up until he didn't notice Akihiko was there.
  Akihiko blinked his eyes slowly as he thought,
With a serious face like that, I could assume why he is the CEO .

He looked at the bunch of papers on the table he was working on.
Thats a lot of papers to be doing on a weekend....

Hiroyuki suddenly picked up his head and noticed Akihiko at the entrance.He put his papers down instantly and took off his glasses.
"Sorry,I didn't notice you're done" he said smiling and slipped his glasses on his collar.

He gathered all the papers and tidied up the table. He put it at one side and got up from the sofa.
He smiled walking to Akihiko.
"I'm glad it fits perfectly on you. You look nice in it" he said and and stared at him in awe.

"A bit too perfectly I think" Akihiko said feeling odd. It fits him perfectly, especially his pants.

"Well I'm glad. I picked and bought it for you after all" Hiroyuki said smiling.

Akihiko furrowed his eyebrows and looked up to him.
"You bought this? How do you even know my size and whY?" He said with disbelief.

"Well yea. I doubt my clothes fit you. I've held you before so I know what size you are roughly and I have been expecting you to sleep here one day so its just spare clothes for you , if you sleepover at my place" Hiroyuki said happily.

Akihiko looked at him with disbelief and was shocked. So it wasn't his ex boyfriend or whatever. Hiroyuki really bought him expensive ass clothes. Even someone who has money like Akihiko, wouldn't buy it for some random guy.

"Let's eat shall we? I'll plate up the food for us" Hiroyuki said and pat his head gently as he walked pass him .

"Do you really live here alone?" Akihiko said squinting his eyes and walked with him. He didn't want to believe that Hiroyuki is single or the fact that he never dated anyone before.
Hiroyuki was what you call, the perfect angel. It was impossible if nobody liked him.

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