18 The Shampoo Bottle

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"He only came once for the investigation. Then he came again yesterday just to inform me about the situation" Hiroyuki said as he walked back to Akihiko.
   "Yes I know what happened" Hiroyuki said looking at Akihiko who was dead curious to know what they were talking about.

Hiroyuki sat down beside Akihiko and sighed.
   "There's no need to lie to me, Fukushima. I know what you did, and I am nowhere near okay with your actions" Hiroyuki said sternly.

Akihiko was shocked by Hiroyuki's honesty.

"Its not about me not backing you up or me backing up the devils. Its about you committing a crime" Hiroyuki said seriously.

Akihiko saw his serious expression and thought he looked attractive. He felt like a pervert for thinking such a thing at such a serious time.

"You should be grateful Kurose didn't take the matter too seriously, or you would've been taken care of" he said.
   Hiroyuki sighed and laid his back on the sofa. Akihiko stared at him patiently as Hiroyuki seemed disturbed.

"I dont mean to fight or anything..... this thing would be bad for the company as well if the story spreads out" he said.

Hiroyuki then turned quiet. He listened to what Fukushima was saying carefully and nodded a little.
"Yes.That might be a good solution for the mean time" he said.

"Yes—I'll take care of the company for now" He said.
"You're welcome. Goodbye" he said and ended the call.

Hiroyuki sighed and threw his phone aside on the sofa stressfully.

"Whats up" Akihiko asked as he was eager toknow.

"Fukushima told me about what happened. Good thing he admitted.He said that you're rude and have no manners at all to blame him for everything" Hiroyuki said feeling disturbed.
"Its so annoying. I feel like punching him in the face if I could" he said.

Akihiko face turned to disgust,
"No manners? He was the one who fucking stole the project's money and blamed it on us and he thinks he deserves my recognition? I couldn't care less about him and manners" He said feeling annoyed.

"I know...but he admitted anyway on what he did. He said he wanted to get out of town for awhile and wait for it to calm down. He didn't want to dirty his name. So I said that's a good idea cause I don't want to see him anyway"
Hiroyuki said and sighed.

"Well good then! I don't want to see him anywhere near here too. Such a coward" Akihiko said and folded his arms.

Hiroyuki sighed and looked up at the wall saying,
"I think it'd be easier if he stopped troubling the company....he keeps on giving extra work for everyone and barely does anything. I feel bad for everyone working overtime".

"I don't know how I can help either, he is the CEO too" he added and frowned.

Akihiko's angry expression faded slowly as he saw the trouble and guilt in Hiroyuki's face. He didn't think Hiroyuki would really care that much of his own company.
He thought wrong.

Akihiko suddenly touched Hiroyuki's arm and said softly,
"But you're helping as much as you can,
aren't you?". He looked him in the eyes with full of concern.

Hiroyuki looked at Akihiko and saw his kind and worried eyes.

"Your table had always been full of work even today......and you even still do work on weekends sometimes" Akihiko said frowning..
"You don't need to feel bad. Its not your fault. Its that asshole's fault. You're doing the best you can" he said and held his arm gently.

Hiroyuki stared at him feeling astonished andwas touched by his words. He didn't expect Akihiko would notice or would even car, but Akihiko had always surprised him in his own ways.

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