91 The Tease

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"You're going to bed early" Hiroyuki suddenly said as he was smoking at the bedroom's window and looking at the devil getting ready for bed.

Akihiko sat down on the bed and said,
  "I have a meeting tomorrow. Besides, its not like I'd fall asleep instantly either".

Hiroyuki took a drag from his cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke out the window. He felt bad for Akihiko. He rarely gets any sleep nowadays and it worries him. That is the main reason why he didn't want Akihiko to think too much about the person who poisoned him.
  He did want to find who it was but he didn't want it to affect Akihiko.

Hiroyuki died out his cigarette and closed the window.
   He walked pass the bed and saw Akihiko laying in bed playing his phone. He wanted to brush his teeth before getting into bed. It was quite early but he didn't want to leave Akihiko alone.

After he brushed his teeth, he came out of the bathroom and saw Akihiko was staring at the empty space beside him. He was staring at Hiroyuki's place.
  He didn't say a thing nor did anything at all.
Hiroyuki could tell he was overthinking again. He didn't want to let that happen.

He sat down on the bed so suddenly with a smile and said,

Akihiko startled and snapped out of his thoughts. He looked up at him with his embarrassed face and said,
  "You scared the shit out of me".

"Sorry....I didnt think you'd be scared" Hiroyuki said smiling and sat on the bed.

"Youre early" Akihiko said raising an eyebrow, being sarcastic.

"Well I don't want my lover to be all alone" Hiroyuki said sweetly and laid down beside him.

Akihiko blushed hard and looked at him angrily,
  "Shut the fuck up" he said.
"At least turn off the lights if you're gonna sleep early " he said.

"Oh sorry..." Hiroyuki said softly. He snapped his fingers and the lights turned off. The room turned dark but the moonlight shined in and lit up the room dimly.
   Hiroyuki turned back and turned on the lamp beside their bed.

"Why did you turn on the lamp" Akihiko asked feeling odd. Usually they let the room be very dark when they wanna sleep.

Hiroyuki turned back to him and said happily,
  "Cause I wanna look at your pretty face".

Akihiko looked at him frowning.
  "You're so persistent aren't you? To think you were the one who got mad at me and fucked my mouth because I hung up on you" he said.

"I....I got carried away. Sorry...." Hiroyuki said shyly.
He touched his jaw and looked at him in the dimly lit room.
"Does your mouth still hurts?" He asked looking worried.

"Not really" Akihiko said.

Hiroyuki smiled as he touched his lip with his thumb.
  "Thank God....I'd feel so bad if it did. Sorry again Aki....I really got out of control. I just—didn't want you to misunderstand" he said.

"I only wanted us to rest from all of these horrible things.....I didn't mean for us to take a break. I don't.....want to see you get hurt anymore. You understand that right?" Hiroyuki asked looking at him in his eyes.

Akihiko kept quiet and looked away.

"We'll catch whoever that poisoned me, I promise....but for now....let me just take care of you okay" Hiroyuki said softly and touched his cheek. He stroked him gently trying to convince him.

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