The Angels & Devils's World

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Here are the explanations for how the world works in their universe.

Q: What is the Blue Sapphire and the White Silver?
Blue Sapphires are for the elite Angels and White Silvers are for the elite Devils.
They are a on a higher level from others and are more powerful than the others. Both Blue Sapphires and White Silvers have their own specialties and powers.

Blue Sapphires has the ability to manipulate water and they can use it to heal people.
White Silvers has the ability to create fire and control it.

Those are the basic abilities for them but every elite being has their own specialty and powers.
Some Blue Sapphires can read people's mind and some White Silvers can hypnotise. Every elite can learn spells and use them meanwhile normal beings can't.

Elites can kill people but the person they kill will reincarnate as another being and Elites will be questioned for their actions.
The way Elites kill beings are by tearing off the wings.
Elites can be taken away and be reincarnated back to human as well.

Q: What is the difference between White Soul and White Silver?
A White Soul is a higher level of being. They are chosen to be a God in some part of their life, either it has happened or they are going to be.

They have different powers from the elites and they are the highest on the ranking systems. They are basically like a pre-god.
They have the ability to kill people. The people they kill will not reincarnate ever again. Usually nobody will question their actions because they are one of the most powerful being but in some cases they will.

White Souls will have blue flames on their eyes. They have extraordinary powers and are so much more powerful than Elites.
Every White Soul have different abilities so no White Soul is the same as the other.

Q: Can an Elite become a White Soul?
Yes. Some White Souls are also chosen to be an Elite. Some are just normal beings but are White Souls.
If they are a God at some point of their life, they will become a White Soul.

Q: What are other things that are important to know about the Angels and Devils's world?
-Every being starts off at the Angels and Devils's World at the age they died and their physical body will not age.

-Every being will reincarnate as a human after 50 years of service.

-Their service will be counted as a payment for getting to reincarnate as a human again.

-Most companies/services involves with the human world as an example;
they guide people to become good/bad, they keep up with the human's activities and others. Some Angels and Devils are sent down to check the world as humans for a couple years and then they are sent back to report on the humans behaviour.

-Some companies work for the Angels and Devils's World itself.
Akihiko and Hiroyuki's companies are involved in that section of business. They make buildings, businesses, projects, shops and keep the economy going. They do not take part in the human's world involvement but they can if they want to.

If you don't understand or have any questions, just comment or message me! I will surely try to answer all of them 💖

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