61 The Mouth iii

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Akihiko sat down on the bed in his working clothes. He sighed and felt tired after a long day of work, he was sweaty and hot.
He could hear Hiroyuki showering in the bathroom. He rested his back against the bed frame.

He went home late because he dazed out a lot at work and got nothing done. The thing Mako told him really made him think. Now he's dazing out again.
He kept thinking of the thing Mako had showed him.
I really shouldn't think about it. He's an angel. What's the worst he could do.
He thought and sighed.

"Oh hey baby, you're early" Hiroyuki said smiling and sat down beside Akihiko.

Akihiko raised his eyebrows in surprised. He didn't even notice Hiroyuki came out of the bathroom.
Hiroyuki was smelling great after he showered. He was only wearing a towel to cover his private part and he looked stunning just like that.

Akihiko blushed as he got called baby and also the fact that Hiroyuki looked hot half naked and with his wet hair.
"My meeting got cancelled...so yea" He said .

Hiroyuki leaned in to give him a kiss. He smiled at Akihiko and pulled away from him.
"I'm cooking salmon tonight. They just had them at the market" he said happily.

"You better make it good then" Akihiko said and looked at him.

"I'll try my best ~" Hiroyuki said smiling like a child.
"You should go shower, you must feel uncomfortable after work" he said .

Akihiko stared at him silently.
He stared into his brown eyes and didn't say a word. He stared at his innocent brown eyes, his charming smile and his bright halo. He was thinking again.

He thought,
How could he have done such a thing to Eiji?
It almost seemed impossible.
An angel? Doing something that messed up? That's just not right.

At least not Hiroyuki. He looked like the most innocent angel he had ever met. Hiroyuki always took care of him, cooked him good food and always treated him good.
Never once had he tried to hurt him or injure him. Hiroyuki always forgives him and never even once said he hated him even for whatever he does.

It almost seems ridiculous to accuse him of doing such a thing.
"Akihiko?" Hiroyuki called out to him softly and was worried. Akihiko dazed out for quite some time.

Akihiko snapped back out of his thoughts and replied,
"Y—yes.... I should go" He said.

Hiroyuki frowned and held his hands, not letting him go just yet.
"Is everything okay?" He asked and tried to look into Akihiko's eyes.

Akihiko pursed his lips and looked at Hiroyuki.
He didn't want to ask him the question. He didn't want Hiroyuki to think that he didn't trust him. Maybe he'd also feel offended that Akihiko could think that he would do such a thing.

But curiosity kills the cat.
He felt like he needed to know or not he would overthink.
"Hiroyuki....do you remember ........ Eiji?" He asked softly.

Hiroyuki's eyebrows furrowed instantly. He looked annoyed as hell, it was etched on his face.
"Whats up with him?" He asked.

"Earlier today....Mako showed me a picture of him and she said the police found him beaten up badly and one of his wings was almost torn off" Akihiko said looking at and Hiroyuki seriously.

Hiroyuki suddenly replied,
"Oh that. I was the one who did it".

Akihiko stared at him blankly. He was shocked and speechless. His jaw hung opened slightly as he was still in disbelief.

"Isn't that what you were so worried about?" Hiroyuki asked raising his eyebrows.
He seemed calm and he didn't even look scared when Akihiko told him that the case was now involved with the cops.

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