69 The Rain iv

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The sound of the clock filled the quiet, empty and dark room. The curtains were closed, it was cold. There lies the angel with his head on the table, empty boxes of cigarettes and the finished cigarettes.

He smoked the cigarette, hoping his heart would eventually stop. One after another, he finished the cigarettes. Box after box until the glass table was covered with empty cigarette boxes.
His eyes were red and his face was so pale. He seemed so thin and lifeless. His hands could barely moves He stared at the empty boxes with a cigarette in his hand.

Once again, his life was meaningless. He ran out of tears to cry. He felt so empty.
He touched his wrist and looked at his pale arm. He took the lit cigarette and put it on his skin. He didn't feel a thing as his skin turned red. It injured his skin, but he didn't feel a thing at all.

It was the same as before.
The fall.

It never felt anything.
Not even a single pain.

He closed his eyes shut.
It had been 4 days since he last saw Akihiko.

He haven't ate, he haven't slept, he haven't even changed his clothes and he haven't even drink anything. The curtains were still closed, only one light was on and that was a table lamp.
He had done nothing but smoke cigarettes in his living room and on the glass table. He hoped to heal his broken heart, but it only made him more lifeless instead.

He was running out of cigarettes.
He was running out of time.

If angels could die, he would've been dead already.

Suddenly he heard the door bell ringing.
He ignored the ring in the cold morning. He was too weak to even get up and he didn't even care who it was. He was pretty sure it wasn't Akihiko. After what he did, he was sure Akihiko wouldn't want to see him anymore.

Then it rang again.

Hiroyuki ignored it and went through the empty boxes of cigarettes. He needed more but he couldn't find any.
He suddenly heard the front door unlocked without force as if there was a key used.

His eyes opened wide.
There was only one person who had his keys.


He picked up his head from the table and with full of hope, he turned to look at the door as he heard footsteps getting closer. Then he saw someone.

But it wasn't Akihiko.

It was Mako and her long white straight hair in her oversized grey sweater. She walked into the living room with a key in her hand.
Her expression changed as soon as he saw Hiroyuki.

Her face turned to worry. She seemed very concerned seeing Hiroyuki that way. His face was pale, his eyes were red, he seemed so thin and so lifeless.

Hiroyuki looked away and ignored her presence. He went through the empty cigarette boxes on the table and searched for more.

Mako walked closer to him and looked at him with disbelief.
"Hey what the hell are you doing?" She asked as she watched him getting another cigarette.

Hiroyuki took his lighter and lit his cigarette, ignoring her. He didn't even cared to ask how she got his keys.

Mako pursed her lips as she got ignored. She snatched his cigarette away and still didn't caught his attention.

Hiroyuki stayed silent and just stared at the table.

Mako suddenly pushed his head and shouted,
"Look at yourself!".

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