29 The Hickey

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Hiroyuki held the devil close as he was still crying out of happiness in his arms.
   Akihiko felt bad somehow. He felt like he was the reason he cried, which was true. He was the reason why.

He just never expected Hiroyuki would cry about it. He should've seen it coming. Hiroyuki must've really loved him.

Such a crybaby.
  Akihiko thought patting his back gently. Although, knowing he was crying because of it made him feel like crying too, maybe just a little.

Hiroyuki suddenly pulled away and looked down at him on the bed as he was above him.
   Akihiko saw his glistening eyes and felt surprised that Hiroyuki suddenly looked at him.

"Akihiko......Thank you for loving me" Hiroyuki said with his crying eyes but smiling face.

Akihiko blushed and pursed his lips. His angelic face, his pure eyes and his beautiful smile always gets the best of him.
   He wiped Hiroyuki's salted cheeks and said softly,
"I think—its overdue".

"I've loved you, ever since you told me you loved me" He said softly and frowned.
  "I was just.....scared" he said stroking his cheek gently.

Hiroyuki's eyes started to water again. He was on the verge of crying again. He really couldn't hold back.

"But I realised, I don't need to be scared anymore. You never felt scared of loving me, so why should I?" Akihiko said.

Hiroyuki stared into his brown eyes as his lips were shaking.

"I'm not scared anymore Hiroyuki" Akihiko said smiling sincerely.

Hiroyuki saw his smile and instantly his heart stopped. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

It was breathtaking.

He had never seen him smile so sincerely before. It was just the same as the time he met him in the rain. It was the same, sincere loving smile.

The smile that made him fall in love with Akihiko.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he leaned onto him and kissed his lips.

Akihiko smiled and kissed him back as he cupped his cheeks.
   The fragile angel was his, all along. He knew that and he never wanted to let him go.

And for Hiroyuki, the arrogant little devil was now his. He didn't regret waiting for him. Even if he waited for months. It wasn't a waste of time.
   He loved him more than anything in the world and he would never ever let him go.

Meeting him was truly a blessing.

Hiroyuki fell into his arms hopelessly.
   Akihiko frowned and pat his back as he said.
"Stop crying I'm bad at handling crying babies".

"I'm sorry, I just can't hold back" Hiroyuki said and hugged him tight, squeezing him in his arms making Akihiko feel crushed.

"Eek! You're strong yknow! Do you want to crush me alive? " Akihiko said and furrowed his eyebrows.

Hiroyuki let go him and quickly replied,
  "Sorry—I'm just too happy". He giggled and sat beside him, pulling away from him.

Akihiko blushed and frowned feeling embarrassed. He felt shy that Hiroyuki truly knows his feeling now.  
  He had never been honest about it before with Hiroyuki. He had always felt like it was a weakness if he had told him how he felt, but things changed.

Akihiko felt like, it was time to tell him.
   He realised just how much he actually really loved Hiroyuki. He felt relieved but also embarrassed that he finally got it out of his chest.

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