35 The Truth

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Hiroyuki stared at Akihiko blankly as they both fell silent.

Suddenly Hiroyuki smiled. He smiled wide.
   It creeped Akihiko out. He looked like he had gone crazy.

"No....she has gotten into your head hasn't she" Hiroyuki said and shook his head with disbelief. He refused to believe it.
  "You never cared about it before, why are you caring now if you already knew" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because I was unsure....I only followed what you told me to because if I didn't, it was my wings off" Akihiko said feeling a little scared.
He had never seen Hiroyuki smiling this sort of way before. It wasn't his happy smile that's for sure.

"Oh come on Aki, you know that I know that you're as powerful as I am" Hiroyuki said chuckling.

"You're the White Silver"
Hiroyuki said and smirked.

Akihiko looked at him feeling speechless.
His heart stopped when he heard him say it. He was more than shocked. He couldn't say a word.

"You could've gotten away from the start, but you didn't. You think I didn't know about you? I searched for you everywhere and every detail of you" Hiroyuki said smirking.

Akihiko fell silent as he was still shocked by what Hiroyuki had said. He didn't know what to say.
He knows I'm the White Silver.....
He thought as his tongue was still tied.

"You didn't stay with me because you were scared that your wings will be cut off" Hiroyuki said and shook his head slightly.

"Because I was scared that yours will" Akihiko suddenly said and looked at him seriously.

Hiroyuki's smirk faded instantly when he heard what Akihiko said. He stared at Akihiko and saw his guilty eyes.

"It is more likely for your wings to be cut off rather than mine because you're supposed to be good. I am supposed to seduce people into doing bad things meanwhile you were the opposite. I am doing my part but you aren't....
So it is more likely for you to be cut off" Akihiko said with his guilty eyes.

Hiroyuki stared at him as he fell silent.

Akihiko downcast and said,
"But I was unsure of it because of your status so when she told me that I'm risking your wings too then only I am sure that it is possible since Mako said the same thing as well".

"I don't want you to hurt because of me. It was my fault I pulled you in and now we're both in this too deep" Akihiko said.
"Do you know how bad it will get if they know that we are together? Even more, your kind and my kind are enemies" he said.

"I never expected it to be this bad. I don't want to ruin your life Hiroyuki. Please, lets just—stop" Akihiko said and picked up his head. He looked at Hiroyuki with his pleading eyes.

Hiroyuki's eyes suddenly turned to blue.

He suddenly grabbed Akihiko's wrists and pushed him down onto the sofa , holding him down. Akihiko looked up at him with his heart beating fast, feeling scared.
"No" he said as he stared at Akihiko's terrified eyes. It brought chills down his spine.

"I won't let anybody get in our way. Let them cut off my wings. I don't care. All that I know is that you're with me, always" he said and held him down tight.

"I will kill anybody who tries to separate us" He said seriously with his furious gaze and held his wrist tighter until it hurts.

Akihiko knows that Hiroyuki wasnt playing at all when he said he'd kill anybody. He knows he was serious and that was what scared him.
"Hiroyuki please" Akihiko said softly and looked at him begging.

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