76 The Ringing ii

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Akihiko walked pass Misaki's table and was walking out of his office but then someone caught his eyes. He saw Mako walking into her office. It was quite late It was already 4 something. He was gonna go home early. He
had been waiting for her since lunch.

He walked towards her office and stood at her door as he watched her sat down on her chair.
"Hey Mako, where have you been?" Akihiko asked feeling curious.

Mako picked up her head and saw Akihiko at her door.
"WorKing of CoUrse whaT elSe?" Mako said feeling tired. She just wanted to sleep.

Akihiko walked in with his bag and approached her. She looked very tired, good thing her hair was still neat. Mako said sadly,
"I had to go over to the Seven Silver's place to talk with them and it became longer than expected" she said and flopped on her table.

She complained about her work under her breath and frowned. Life is hard even for the dead.

"Why didn't you ask me to tag along?" Akihiko asked and sat down. He put his bag beside him. Usually Mako would bring him along but she didn't this time.

"Because Doumeki came" Mako said picking up her head lazily to look at Akihiko.

Akihiko raised his eyebrows in surprise. He haven't been talkingto Doumeki for awhile
None of them do. Usually only Mako talks to him.
All of the others only see them pass by and talk when they need to. Doumeki is the opposite of Mako. Two different people yet so close to each other.

But that was not why Akihiko came to her about. Akihiko looked at Mako's face seriously and pursed his lips He hesitated to ask,
"Make, you said you wanted to tell me something. About.....Hiroyuki".

Mako raised her eyebrows and look at Akihiko. Her expressions change drastically from tired to worry. She seemed reluctant to tell him and averted her gaze.
She looked at the door that was opened ajar.
Her eyes turned white . She put up her hand and suddenly the door closed.

She looked back at Akihiko as her eyes turned back to normal.
"Well ..... you know thatfhe's a blue sapphire right?" Mako said softly and tapped her finger on the tablet

Akihiko raised an eyebrow. It was pretty clear that he knows Hiroyuki was a Blue Sapphire and what did that had to do with anything?

"I don't know if you know but—the elites don't get sick" Mako said raising her eyebrows.

"We get poisoned" she said

Akihiko's expressions changed. The fear he had was being told. It terrified him once again. The negative thoughts came to mind.
"There's no way he got poisoned. Who would've done it? He has only been with me" He said furrowing his eyebrows

"I'm not saying it was you, I'm not saying he got poisoned either" Mako said frowning.
"Maybe he's just sick..." she said raising her shoulders in ignorance.

"I know very well we don't get fevers or flu! But its impossible that he got poisoned" Akihiko said with disbeliefi

"Well—that's just what it is! I thought you didn't know or forgot about it. So I wanted to remind you" Mako said raising her eyebrows.

Akihiko grunted and laid back. He covered his face feeling stressed out
One after the other.
He thought maybe they could rest but it didn't seem that way.

Mako saw the look on his face and got worried. She was worried that the past would happen again.
"Maybe he's just tired" Mako said softly trying to calm him down.

Akihiko breathed in deeply and breathed out. He sat up straight and picked his head up.
"Yea maybe" he said.

Mako felt a little better that Akihiko seems to be responding to her still.
"But you know what you have to do if anything happens" She said.

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