06 The Neighbour

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"Good evening Kazama".

Hiroyuki raised his eyebrows upon seeing a beautiful brown haired angel who was in front of him at the front door. It was his front house neighbour.
    "Good evening" he answered plainly without any expression.

"I was wondering if you're free tonight. I am doing a dinner with some of the people in the neighbourhood. I wanted to invite you to come and join us for dinner if you want" She said smiling cheerfully.

"Sorry....that sounds lovely but I have some work to do tonight" Hiroyuki said almost instantly smiling awkwardly. He didn't even thought about it for a second.

Her face turned to sadness instantly but she smiled faintly.
  "Ah I see...thats a shame. Its okay then! I'll invite you to dinner another day I guess" she said .

"Thank you—hope you'll have a great dinner" Hiroyuki said and felt a little bad for rejecting her invitation. He only went to her house once, ever since he helped her out moving in, she has been dropping by giving food and inviting him to dinners.
    He usually declines kindly. He didnt want to break her heart. She did nothing wrong.

He could go, but he didn't want to. Even more with Akihiko in his house.
   Even if he wasnt there; he didnt want to go. He didn't like socialising that much. Its enough that he has to talk to people and deal with them on the weekdays. Its tiring.

He closed to door as she left . He could tell she was disappointed just by looking at her halo glowing dim.
   But he didn't really feel that bad. He felt bad leaving Akihiko like that on the couch even more.

He locked the door and walked back to his living room. He walked back to the couch to see Akihiko's ankles were still close together and his back resting against the arm rest. He was sitting and waiting for Hiroyuki.

Hiroyuki saw his dissatisfied face as Akihiko saw him walking back to him.
   "Sorry for making you wait" he said as he got to him.

Akihiko looked up to him angrily and said,
   "You should be".

"Who was it" Akihiko asked as Hiroyuki sat back on the sofa. Hiroyuki sighed as he laid back.
   "My neighbour....she invited me for a dinner tonight along with the other neighbours" he said softly.

"Seems like someone has a crush on you. You wouldn't need me anymore. Now open my chain and let me go home" Akihiko said frowning.

Hiroyuki looked at him seriously and made Akihiko felt scared for a moment. Hiroyuki squinted his eyes and looked at him making the situation tense.
   "I don't want anybody but you and I'm not going anywhere" He said sternly.

"Why is it so hard for you to understand that" he said with his gaze.

Akihiko felt scared as he was being so serious. Hiroyuki rarely gives him such a serious look.
   "W-whatever. You're just saying that cause I'm here. Just let me go you bastard!" He said and tried to hide that he was scared.

Hiroyuki looked at him furiously.
   "You think I'm just sweet talking you, Akihiko?" He asked and turned his body towards him. He leaned closer to him and got between his legs.

Akihiko startled as Hiroyuki was staring at him furiously and he got closer.
   "W-what else?! You just want to get laid. Thats all" he said .

Hiroyuki stared at him and said,
   "If I only want to have sex with you, I would've tied you up from the first day and keep you in my house like prisoner" .

Akihiko looked at him feeling scared.

"I love you Aki. I don't just wanna have sex with you. I wanna do everything with you. I wanna live my life with you" Hiroyuki said as his gaze turned kinder.

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