34 The Question

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Maybe he'll like this one....
   Akihiko thought as he took the peach tea from the fridge in the convenience store. He had his other hand in his white hoodie and headed to the cashier. It was getting colder as it had turned night.

He actually didn't know why he wanted to buy something for Hiroyuki. He doesn't usually do those things.
   He even used his wings instead of his car that night.

I really need to get over my fear of heights.
   Akihiko thought and put the bottle on the counter.


He suddenly heard a woman said full of anger. He turned around to see a woman with long straight blonde hair. She had a halo.

She looked at him seriously and angrily.
   "What are you doing here" She said furiously looking at him.

Akihiko raised an eyebrow and looked at her feeling disturbed.
   Who does she think she is? Its a convenience store. He didnt even know who she is.

"Probably robbing this shop" Akihiko said sarcastically as he took out his money to pay for his bottled tea.

She looked at him seriously and said,
  "You don't live in this neighbourhood".

Akihiko stared at her and tried to figure out how she knows where he lived.
   He knows that it was an angel neighbourhood but there were still the devils neighbourhood nearby and the store was right in the middle of both.

He stared at her furious angelic face and her blonde hair.
   Then it suddenly snapped.
He remembered her annoying face at the lobby of the Hiroyuki's company and she talked to Hiroyuki one evening. He remembered that she gave him an odd stare when she saw him.

It was Hiroyuki's annoying assistant.

"How would you know" Akihiko asked and took his bottle after paying for it.

"Youre going to meet Kazama san arent you" Azusa suddenly said changing the topic.

Akihiko stared at her and found her to be the most annoying and rude angel he had ever met, apart from Hiroyuki.
   He didn't answer but instead he drank his tea and smiled a little. He walked pass her and ignored her.

Azusa looked at him feeling pissed off. She followed him out and asked,
   "What're your intentions with him? You think I don't know about you? Your reputations in the devils community are the same as his in our community" she said.

Akihiko looked at her sideways as he closed his bottle,
   "For an angel with a lot of work like you, you have so much free time to stalk about me don't you" he said smiling.

"Anything that concerns my boss is my job. If you plan on getting to him, I will make sure they will know about it" Azusa said seriously.
   "I am not scared of you" she said.

Akihiko leaned closer to her with a smile,
   "Well maybe you could tell your boss to stop talking to me and spending his time with me huh? Do what a good assistant would do" he said.

Azusa looked at him angrily and shut up

"Why? You told him? It didn't work? Well sucks to be you. Cause even when I told him to, he didn't listen either" Akihiko said and stood up straight.
   "He always get what he wants doesnt it?" he said and smiled as he looked at her.

"But you don't " he added and walked away from her.

Azusa watched him walking away. She was pissed off.
  "You better watch out! The angels won't be quiet about this. It is spreading fast and you should back down while you still can" she said to him .

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