27 The Rain

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They kissed lovingly with their tongues. Hiroyuki saw Akihiko shed a tear because of the pain.
  He stopped and pulled away from his lips feeling guilty. He looked at Akihiko's red watery eyes and cheeks.

"Aki.....let me get rid of this spell first. You're gonna hurt yourself" Hiroyuki said and let go of him slowly.
   Akihiko pursed his lips and looked up at him with his sad doe eyes.

Hiroyuki saw his sad face and felt bad but it was better if they stopped before they get really burned.
  "Let's get into the room. I dont know how to cure you so I'll do some research" he said softly.

"I've never encountered a spell like this before" Hiroyuki said softly.
  He had never been in a situation like that before, so he
never had to learn about it to get rid of it.

Akihiko walked towards the room with Hiroyuki. He sat down on the bed and Hiroyuki sat down beside him.
   Hiroyuki took out his phone and dialled up a number. It rang as Akihiko was staring at his own red hands. It was still hurting badly.

"Hello, Mako?" Hiroyuki said softly.

Aklhiko looked at him with disbelief. He didn't expect Hiroyuki would call Mako.
   He instantly shook his head and didn't want him to ask her.

Hiroyuki told him to calm down and kept on talking to her,
  "I was wondering is it possible for me to get rid of a spell from a devil" he asked.

" A spell from a devil? Is this Akihiko's doing?"
Mako answered through the phone.

" Um..... kinda...?" Hiroyuki said looking at Akihiko's worried and dissatisfied face.

"Well you surely can. You're the Blue Sapphire are you not? Have you ever used a spell before?" Mako asked.

"Only the simple ones" Hiroyuki replied.

"Its practically the same. Just focus on what you want to get rid of and say your magic words" Mako explained.

"Magic words?" Hiroyuki said raising an eyebrow.

"Your mantra ya dummy. Angels and devils have different mantras but its possible for you to break the spell. If it doesn't work just call me back "Mako said.

"Okay, thank you Mako" Hiroyuki said politely.
   She ended the call and Hiroyuki put down his phone. He looked back at Akihiko who seemed gloomy.

"Sorry, I don't know anyone else to ask" Hiroyuki said softly and knew Akihiko didn't like that he called Mako.
   "Let's see" He said softly and got closer to Akihiko .

Hiroyuki's eyes slowly turned blue as he stared at Akihiko's lips.
   He read his angel's mantra under his breath softly. He cupped his cheeks and made Akihiko flinch feeling surprised.

Hiroyuki stared right into his brown eyes and touched his lip with his thumb.
   He stroked his lips and then his cheek gently and slowly, Akihiko started to feel the burning sensation fade away

Akihiko felt coldness, slowly seeping in. It went through his whole body and he felt his heart calming down. His eyes became small and he felt no pain from Hiroyuki's touch.
  Hiroyuki asked softly and his eyes turned back to brown,
"Feel any better?" .

Akihiko opened his lips and replied as his voice was back,

Hiroyuki sighed out of relief. He was glad that it worked out. He didn't think it would since he barely practices spells.
   He stared into Akihiko's calm eyes with his guilty eyes.

"I'm sorry Aki, I shouldn't have let you get captured. Its all my fault" Hiroyuki said softly as he stroked his cheek.

"I should've taken care of you better....because of me you got into a dangerous situation. I can't bear to think what'll happen if he did something far worse " Hiroyuki said frowning.

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