12 The Meeting

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"Mmh aah ha~ yuki....n—no" Akihiko moaned with his teary eyes and held him closer. It felt so good he wanted to faint. He could only bare to open his eyes a little.
   He wasn't used to getting pleasured so suddenly and so early in the morning. It was new to him.

Hiroyuki nibbled on his neck and teased him more.

"D—Don't leave a ma~mark" Akihiko said stuttering and frowned.
  " They'll know about us" Akihiko said with his
shimmering sad eyes.

Hiroyuki looked at him as he stopped for a moment. He looked at his adorable teary eyes.
Hiroyuki got hard instantly as Akihiko looked so cute and hopeless.

"Now you're making me want to do it more" Hiroyuki said smiling and feeling turned on. The thought of
them being in an forbidden relationship and what they were doing was so wrong that they had to keep it a secret turned him on very much.

Hiroyuki opened his mouth and bit him teasingly.

Akihiko flinched and struggled to stop him.
   "N—no—no! D—don't " He said panicking. He was worried Hiroyuki would leave a bite mark on him.

Hiroyuki giggled and let go of his bite. Akihiko was barely pushing him away.
   Hiroyuki licked his neck and smiled. He squeezed his chest and said softly letting his warm breath touch his neck,
"You're so scared they'll find out huh? And I thought you're the devil".

Akihiko frowned and blushed.
   "Fine! Leave a mark then. You want me to get my wings torn off and leave you don't you?" he asked.

Hiroyuki frowned and felt bad. He pulled away
from him and looked at Akihiko's annoyed expression.
   "Don't say that. I never wanted that. Not
even from the start. I only wanted you to stay
with me" he said softly.

Akihiko averted his gaze and kept quiet. He was annoyed with Hiroyuki's behaviour.

"I'm sorry ..... I just wanted to tease you ..... I
didn't mean to make you mad. I wasn't going to do it for real. I want to protect you too I can't bare to think of what I'll do if you get taken away" Hiroyuki said gloomily and looked down.

Akihiko looked at his guilty and sad eyes sideways. Hiroyuki really seemed sad and sincere. Akihiko pursed his lips and looked away.
    "Whatever its me who's going to get it, not
you" He said.

Hiroyuki suddenly leaned back onto him and
hugged him close, surprising Akihiko.
   "I won't let that happen. I won't let them take
you away from me. Even if they do, I'll cut off my own wings to be with you. I swear" he said softly.

"I'll keep you safe with me" Hiroyuki said
softly and held him closer.

Akihiko blushed and frowned. His heart panicked as it was filled with feelings.
   Akihiko felt warmer and more comfortable being in his arms. He indeed felt safe in his arms. The arms of an angel. He could see Hiroyuki's wings covering them up slowly.

It felt so warm and so safe, it made Akihiko turn soft.He returned his embrace shyly.

"You better" Akihiko said shyly and quietly.

Hiroyuki smiled and held him closer.
   "I will Akihiko" he said and snuggled him in
his arms.

"I swear on my angel wings" He said softly.

It was a saying, usually used at their world. When someone makes a promise or a swear on their wings, it means that if they break their promise, they'll get their wings cut off and become human again.
   It was not something to play with and people rarely uses it.

Hearing Hiroyuki say those things, surprised Akihiko. Hiroyuki really does care about him.
    Akihiko pursed his lips and averted his gaze.
"Whatever. You're sending me home today"
he said and changed the subject.

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