64 The Sleeve

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"I'm too lazy to get up" Akihiko said softly and snuggled even more in his arms. It was uncomfortable on the sofa but it was nice being in his arms.

"You're gonna get a cold Aki" Hiroyuki said smiling and stroked him gently. He could see Akihiko liked it very much when he does because his tail was moving around slowly.
  Hiroyuki looked at him like he was a cat, he was so cute.

Suddenly they heard Akihiko's phone rang.
Ring ring!

Akihiko opened his eyes instantly feeling surprised. He rarely gets any phone calls but then he remembered, it was a weekday. He totally forgot he was still supposed to be at work.
  Either way he still needed to pick up the call in case it was something important. He got out of his arms and sat up at the edge of the sofa. He reached down to his pants that was on the floor and took out his phone from the pocket.

Hiroyuki turned to his side and was as curious to know who was calling him.
  Akihiko looked at the name and instantly frowned. It was Mako the annoying devil.

He answered the call reluctantly and laid back a little on Hiroyuki.
  "What is it" Akihiko said sighing as he answered the call. He was happily chilling in Hiroyuki's arm, then suddenly he got a call. It only spoiled the mood.

"Where are you?"Mako asked straight forwardly.

"Home...why?" Akihiko said and furrowed his eyebrows. Mako sounded serious and she wasn't playing around. He wondered why. Hiroyuki looked at him as he was answering the call and was leaning on his body.

"Well what did you do now? The cops came by"she asked.

Akihiko was shocked really. He sighed and closed his eyes feeling stressed out. He didn't expect it to really happen.
  Angels are the worst, I swear...
He thought . Someone must've opened their
filthy mouths.

Hiroyuki saw the look on his face and knew something bad happened. He wanted to know but he didn't want to interject him.
  Mako sighed in disappointment.
"Take care of yourself better you idiot. Don't get yourself included in this mess"she said.

Akihiko frowned and got annoyed.
  "I am not. They're just over reacting" he said stressing out.

"Well I don't care. I know you want to take care of his ass but you should worry about yours first"she said angrily.

"I didn't do anything for fucks sake" Akihiko said sighing and felt disturbed.
  "I went over to see Hiroyuki at lunch. They wanted to talk to him and his assistant since they both live in the neighbourhood" he explained as he scratched his head.

He didn't think coming to meet Hiroyuki would bring such a problem. Hiroyuki now knew why he was so stressed out. It was the whole Eiji and cops thing. He felt at fault and he frowned. Akihiko continued talking.

"I guess they wanted to just ask? I don't know....I only came by for lunch.SOMEHOW the cops came at the same time but Hiroyuki's assistant told them that he was in a meeting" Akihiko explained.
  "They didn't wait and just went off.....Hiroyuki was worried that somebody might've opened their mouth and say my name since I'm a devil so thats why I'm home " He said.

"You get the idea" he said sighing.

Mako paused for a moment before she continued talking.
  "As expected from the angels ..... you're lucky Hiroyuki warned you" she said sighing.

Akihiko frowned and thought.
  One second you're against him and another you 're thanking him.

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