43 The Call

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"I wanna take a nap" Akihiko said lazily as he was standing beside Hiroyuki who was washing the dishes.
"You go in first—I'll come later okay?" Hiroyuki said smiling.

Akihiko nodded and walked away from him. He really felt sleepy. Maybe its because of his full tummy. He always feels so sleepy after eating, especially Hiroyuki's cookings because its too good.
Blessed by angel's food....
He thought as he walked back to the bedroom.

Hiroyuki turned off the pipe and took the kitchen towel to wipe the plates. He didn't mind cleaning up. He liked doing it. It was like a therapy for him.
He could tell Akihiko rarely cooks. All of the things he has in the kitchen are barely touched.

After finishing, Hiroyuki dried his hands and walked back to the bedroom. As he was happily walking, he suddenly saw something surprising on his way to the bedroom.
There was a long but small table just before the bedroom. There were keys in a bowl and he saw a framed picture ofAkihiko. He wasn't smiling but he was with Mako.

It seemed like Akihiko was forced into the picture and Mako was smiling happily beside him like a child.
Hiroyuki held it and smiled. If it was any other person he'd be mad but since its Mako he felt that it was okay. He never felt jealous with Mako. He looks at her like a child, he believes Akihiko feels the same way.

He smiled looking at Akihiko's adorable forced face. He flipped the frame around and saw a small card sticked to it. It wrote.
Happy Birthday Aki Chan!
From Mako.

Hiroyuki smiled even more.
I knew he wasn't he one who printed and put it in a frame.
He felt relieved and satisfied. He almost felt jealous but not anymore. He doubts Akihiko is the type to print and put pictures in a frame.

He put it back down and suddenly saw something beside the keys, it caught his attention. He squinted his eyes and picked up the white business card. He held it up and read it.
Assistant Manager
Dark Horses Company

Hiroyuki stared at it long.
ltsuo......I feel like I've heard it before.
He kept on staring at the card as he thought about it. Then he remembered.

lsn't that the name of the guy Akihiko was talking to after we did 'that' in the car and he just hung up on me?
He thought.
He suddenly felt his heart burning. He felt like tearing the card apart. He didnt know why he felt so mad. He didn't really understood jealousy yet.

He didn't like this Itsuo guy.
Who is he? Why did Akihiko hung up on me just like that? Why did Akihiko kept his card? Is he that important?
  He stared at it furiously. He held himself back from tearing it apart. He put it back down reluctantly. He didn't want Akihiko to be suspicious.

He took a deep breath and thought,
  Relax, Akihiko is yours now. Why do you need to worry? He wouldn 't cheat on you. He loves you Hiroyuki.
He breathed in and out trying to calm himself down. He ignored the stupid card and walked inside the bedroom

He walked towards the bed and saw Akihiko already had his eyes closed. His burning heart calmed down slowly as he saw his peaceful face.
  He sat down beside him on the bed and stared down at him as he smiled a little. He leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek.

Akihiko opened his eyes slowly and saw Hiroyuki smiling at him.
  "Sorry—did I wake you up" Hiroyuki asked.
"Wasn't asleep" Akihiko said and closed back his eyes.

Hiroyuki stared at him smiling and saw his neck that had hickeys. There were bite marks as well.
  Hiroyuki was the one to be blame for. He left that all on him because he couldn't hold himself back yesterday.
  Although, he did found it sexy on Akihiko.
Hiroyuki touched his cheek gently and stroked it.

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